Maybe if he had just started “belting” homeruns like he was supposed to and not, you know...
Maybe if he had just started “belting” homeruns like he was supposed to and not, you know...
You did that on purpose. “Fat deal”, heh
Tropicana sold naming rights?
He’s going to be fighting and not paying taxes on time until, what, 70? 80?
Then Serena would take out two, unless she’s playing against her sister and it’s not her turn to win.
Shut down the internet; this man now owns it.
I, too, have regretted playing in the woods. :-P
Isn’t it “tics”?
They could, but I would surmise that teams are less likely to do that after the Joe Smith fiasco. (Or maybe they just don’t write it down anymore.)
No fan involved? No paddle?
Two. The pick was a swap.
How is that different?
That was when I watched the NBA religiously. They didn’t.
I thought BALCO said that “the cream” was safe.
This raises every single one of the questions.
Bad news. Russ got traded to the Nets with Mozgov.
If only Bernie Madoff had offered an 8% annual return...wait...
Ladies and gentlemen, the words of wisdom from our next ambassador to somewhere or other. Probably Germany. Because reasons.
Don’t worry, Lefty, you can finish lower than first a different year.
Now I want to see Pete Gray’s record broken.