Hugh Duffy/Ty Cobb (batting average), anything by Nolan Ryan, Hack Wilson, A.C. Green (especially in today’s rest-fueled NBA), Pete Rose, Gretzky, Night Train Lane and Paul Krause (QB accuracy is too high).
Hugh Duffy/Ty Cobb (batting average), anything by Nolan Ryan, Hack Wilson, A.C. Green (especially in today’s rest-fueled NBA), Pete Rose, Gretzky, Night Train Lane and Paul Krause (QB accuracy is too high).
Interesting. In that scenario, does he get one of the others and pass Fed?
Considering I took Nadal at -505 as part of a parlay...with El Tri (not in the USA match), Turkey and Spain...
And that’s not counting Kim Jong-Il.
So now rooting for the southern hockey team makes someone a cuck?
I don’t think that should be called back, though, because you can’t prove that the scored-upon team didn’t give up when they heard the whistle.
They’re assembling the old rings in the HOF.
I think there are some from the earliest rings that will not be removed.
He wasn’t THAT fun to watch in a Brewers uniform over the last few years. As someone who goes to Miller Park once or twice a year, I’m mad that he got cut and then did this.
Yes, I certainly would. I think the way he executed his point might not have landed, but I understand it.
Austin Dillon says that this is Petty.
As a Vikings fan, I approve this message.
Well, yes, they will — all of the “true patriots” celebrating the return of a “true patriot” (while talking about how the Patriots cheat)
And he only almost killed one man mountain climbing, not fitty.
The Cam Newton takes will be scorching.
Do you use that story with your patients?
+1 brother’s marathon time
Let’s challenge him to the first of the two.
Jim Thome wishes you’d remember him.
Too much effort.