Remember when Pitbull rhymed “Kodak” with “Kodak”?
Remember when Pitbull rhymed “Kodak” with “Kodak”?
A.C. Green
“Where possible” = “I barely have convictions but want to express them”
Hot take: Plinko is overrated, and was even before LeBron decided to steal it and make a whole show out of it.
Liberty is going to be super-annoying about winning on an act of God, aren’t they?
Best correction ever.
Yet another relationship ruined by the intrusion of Applebee’s.
Shank will be masturbating furiously at the prospect of getting to rip a Boston player and management for years to come.
One of my favorite songs. Have all of the stars that I can give.
Is someday now? I’m pretty amused now.
When “Past a Diving Jeter” was a notable stat, yes, it was a facade.
Based on her Twitter feed, it means that she won’t be able to handle praise.
Besides the aforementioned Lions, Willie Roaf is the only one that springs to mind at the moment.
Codeine cough syrup + Sprite.
Why would they fight? They’re in different leagues, and each league gets one.
It was. “Little League HR” is a joke because in LL, kids often get credit for XBH that they didn’t actually earn.
Never mind, mine are from Nicaragua. Common error.
I don’t recall inviting you into my fucking basement.
I feel like this is a snow job.