190 lb. weakling

Doing two next month. I’m praying for sub-6 on each.


I know, at least one of them has to be burning while the other one is revered.

Jesus Christ.

 The Montreal Alouettes got PTSD from reading that comment.

No, and you can read her opinions on her website.

As a Vikings fan since birth, yeah, I’m good with this.

Don’t let it distract you.

I wonder if he ever feels like he didn’t put enough English on a ball.

Is she hot? (Commonwealth of Kentucky motto)

Georgetown is bungling this whole nepotism thing:

For being The Big Fundamental, he sure missed a few steps in investing...

It’s labelled with 666. How much clearer could it get?

We did, though I’m not sure when we moved beyond that particular bit of technology. I was an XC runner with shin splints and a broken toe, so they might have moved beyond the more masculine treatments for me.

Defensive Player of the Year Refuses to Get Defensive

Considering that my high school trainer’s first piece of advice for getting through an injury was “ice and stretch”, no, I would not.

A penalty-free Godwin’s Law reference.

Owners fucking over cities to get better stadiums.

As a Timberwolves fan since their inception, let’s not.

Even among announcers, Jim Nantz is Ann Veal from Arrested Development.