190 lb. weakling

Restrict it to shopping carts in those parking lots, and it still doesn’t make the top 5, I’d wager.

Counterpoint: He’s that guy’s brother.

The number of times the local news said “March Sadness” last night was insane. Also, fuck the NCAA. And fuck Creighton for leaving our conference.

Especially after he decides on three dumbass FA signings in a row because he wants to buy a Super Bowl.

Yes, I’ve had lasagna.

What are they going to do without Rovell to write these statements?

Talk nerdy to me, haha!

So what Trump Administration position is she gonna be up for?

Is there a way to put imaginary coordinates within imaginary coordinates? Because, just like some numbers that show up on the polar x-axis, she is unfortunately real.

Linda Hunt.

Ice cold. And deserving of stars.

Got you.

Lance Armstrong got her with one ball. I’d say one wheel would be easier.

I don’t understand what Overwatch is, but I’m ordering a couple of it.

And some of them didn’t even get to come home. I expect that Yellowstone will figure heavily in the plot of a Criminal Minds episode soon.

Glory Johnson and Brittney Griner tried that a few years ago. Still didn’t take.

We should move the edge of the Earth to Bermuda.


I’ll confirm that.

This is both straight fire and neato keen.