190 lb. weakling

If Marvel greenlit it, I’m in. I’ve been wrong on so many of their movies that didn’t sound interesting...

Time for a Geneva Intervention.

Yup. These are our readers.

The Colts approve this superfluous banner idea.

Andy Reid.

I understand, but at that point, watching a guy seem to die right in front of me...that was it.

That was exactly when I stopped watching the X-Games. I’m glad he was fine after that, but that was the #1 live sports moment I’d love to be able to forget (and I’m a Vikings and Cubs fan, so it’s not as if I don’t have all of them to choose from)

Where’s Jane Lynch? And Sean Hayes?

Don’t go Wagyu finger at me, boss.

You either? haha

I will be buying a Redbirds Buffalomeat jersey. My alma mater is awesome.

But Moooooooooommmmm, he started it!

And “penny, nickel, dime, quarter!”

Oh, man, 15 foot high monkey bar endurance trials would get me into watching this.

Instant decapitation.

You’d think, but he seems to have fun with being creepy. There was a Vine of him sneaking up on an old lady outside of a supermarket, if I recall correctly.

Scaring the shit out of children on an annual basis. Because Jesus.

Good luck on the rest of your season, Coach Jackson.

Wow. As a fellow sardonic asshole, I bow to your greatness. +1

Please do Gary Anderson instead.