Try The Comet Candy Donut

Why is nobody upvoting my comment? This took me more than two hours to write.

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Alright Guys I give up. I’ve been hating Trump since 2015, maybe even earlier. And I’m tired. I’m tired of waking up every day filled with hate. I’m tired of endlessly waiting for something to happen that will resolve how wrong I was about the election. I’m tired of implicitly defending a bunch of obvious crooks in

So sick of talk about how Trump is smart. He’s going down. Mueller’s almost got him. Any day now.

Never seen this before. Is it real? Actually quite endearing,


yeah right

This is just more proof that Trump’s regime is against freedom of speech, against freedom of press, and fascist to the core. This cannot stand. This will not stand.

I think it cute

Why is it that only the NCAA basketball players whine and complain and cry about not getting paid - even though it’s THEIR CHOICE - to play for their school but football players are just happy to play for their school?

Oh God here we go. I worked at McDonal’ds for three years and can tell you some real stuff went down there. The fry guys were the worst and especially to the qt cash register girls. All grabass and talking smack to them. But some of them liked it and would go to the freezer room for seven minutes in heaven. I

People who pretend to be addicted to caffeine or get headaches when they don’t drink it are the biggest - BIGGEST - fakers of all time and just want attention.

My friends just don’t get soccer. They are huge NFL and NBA fans and I try to talk to them about that stuff but to be honest it just bores me. American sports are boring. I wish Americans cared about soccer but they never will. That’s why we got Drumpf in office now.

Every hockey player is white and all the fans are white - PASS

He’s just trying to be like Obama who wanted to have his Blackberry. Now Trump is stealing Obama’s ideas just like his wife is stealing Michelle’s idea.s.

Stop adding “Reportdedly” and “Allegedly” and “Sources Say” in the headlines. Facts are facts. Donald Rump is a SECURITY THREAT/RISK and not just because of the phone, but because of the TWEETS as well. Time to start calling the shots, not funny anymore.

Can someone give me a quick rundown? No idea what this is.

Bin all guns and arrest people who don’t even give them over. It’s passed time to end the gun problem in America. UK did it and so did every other country. Only American cowboys still have guns and there dangerous as we see here. No guns anymore and arrest all the gun owners.

It’s funny how everybody say banning guns is a bad idea when that the only thing that can actually work and that’s end of story. I don’t want to hear anymore about this and that as far as gun control or whatever because even that won’t work because we need to ban guns completely. No guns not problem.

Yeah well English is like my eigth language.

I had these white neighbors growing up and the kids my same age and I swear to God they went to Chuck E Cheese like every damn weekend man it was ridiculous and I went with them once too. My God it was very frightening what I saw there. All the parents were drunk and all the kids were dirty and sneezy with runny noses