Try The Comet Candy Donut

Lebron a coach are you out of your god damned mind? He is not even coachable let alone be a coach. He’s a player who thinks he’s a coach and that’s ass backwards. Not saying he’s not good which is what your saying I’m saying, I’m saying anyone with them huge bones would be at least - AT LEAST - as good as he is.

I remember when everyone said Janet was gonna be more popular then Mike. Look how that turned out.

Yeah well jacked and tall to you probably means casual workouts and taller then your dad. In the bigs its’ a different story.

Ok so we’re on the same page then good. Well I still think Judge looks like a creep by my big issue is with Lebron. Anyway not every body agrees with me here but I know that some do and that’s why I’m saying it.

Lebron’s isn’t that smart, you can obviously tell. He blows his lid all the time and talks trash but when it comes down to facts, he’s got physical advantage and that’s about it. If you’d put Mike Jordan’s brain in his dome? Sure he’d be a LOT better. Jordan had brains, Lebron’s just got big bones and that’s end of

Judge is just like Lebron james - all body, no mind

Hideki Nomo, Hideki Matsui, Diasuke Matsuyama, Shohie Ohtani...

Sex work is honest and good work and all of us men appreciate what those women do and it’s also definitely worth the price if you ever get the chance. It’s so sweet. Literally whatever you want. Like anything you can think of I swear to God. Oh man, it’s so awesome. It’s honestly like one of the greatest things of all

Wrestling is realer than the NBA these days.

Pretty soon there gonna make abortion illegal and our taxes are gonna go way, way up to support all the ghetto babies.


More like I know how to actually get people elected which is something the DNC sucks at. Same with Bernie Sanders too even though he would have beat Trump.

Oh come on. Russia hacked our democracy and now it’s “Nobody likes the Clintons anymore” what the hell?

Yup this is true. I worked at Home Depot and can tell you for a fact that some of the experiences I had there turned me off from working at all. Everything about my experience was bad from the management to the customers to the pay to the benefits and time off. There were zero perks and it seemed like all of my

I was thinking this too. It honestly can’t be that hard.

No, it’s usually built into the software with coding. It can also be an add-on feature to many programs.

Ok I am 100% against guns and for common sense gun control but these little brats put me off so much I swear to God they better not come to the midwest otherwise we’re gonna lose so bad!! Stay in Florida or go someplace where being little brats is appreciated which isn’t the midwest!! God can’t we get Michelle Obama

I would be in that party if you make it, but Bernie Sanders will probably try to say it’s his party even though he endorsed Hillary. Probably because he doesn’t have a party because the Democrats hate him even though they could use his voters GOD everything is fo sucked up.

Uh, no. It’s a computer equation.

Actually I have played baseball since I was in little league and now I’m on a club team. I’ve studied the game almost my whole life but I guess your right.