Maybe I’m just used to nailing it to merge into tighter gaps?
Maybe I’m just used to nailing it to merge into tighter gaps?
90% of the guys who comment on Boeing shit here each day?
I’ve driven a couple and it is so damn slow it feels unsafe when merging into heavy traffic.
But you are paying the taxes.
I get it... it looks pretty clean when dirty. And pretty dirty when clean. And horrible if it has ever had a panel repainted because it Never matches.
It’s a bummer that Toyota built so many cars in that horrible fucking color. So many nice cars that I wouldn’t touch because they come in “desert sand beige early-bird special tan metallic”.
I absolutely would have bought a manual FJ cruiser if it would have had a sunroof. But with no SR and that little windshield it felt like being in a cave for a vehicle that is supposed to appeal to outdoorsy people.
As a GTI owner and potential buyer of a GTI or R... No thank you. I’d buy a Rivian R3 before this little blob of a car. But before that I’ll buy the last standing sporty car manual transmission available... whether it is a Civic or a Miata.
I’ve been waiting to do the same thing to my GTI. Plus over $500 for decent rack you are looking at $1000 to carry a bike. It’s not the cost that is holding me back it’s just that I hate that my bumper needs to be removed to do it as I want a hidden hitch.
I love wagons but these were such garbage even when they were new. An old car that was a POS when new is still a POS when it’s old.
I read somewhere that those window breakers aren’t as good on modern windows.
I paid a couple thousand for an optional, slow to program, NAV system in my Mercedes and two years later everyone had moved to real-time traffic apps on their phone. Maybe not the most expensive thing but man it felt like a waste of money.
And people say pop-up headlights are dangerous to pedestrians.
An Evil X has entered the chat.
It would be such a great looking vehicle with round headlights.
They got it to traverse the rugged terrain of Annapolis Maryland.
BMW used to make such handsome cars.
How would we be able to tell the difference?
Yup, there are very few fruits where the smell of them, or even the sound of someone eating one, are gross.