17 Seconds

Edited from the final cut for time reasons: As he drives back to the future the camera zooms to a closeup of the rear window where there is a decal of Calvin pissing on a Prius.


How DARE you?! I don’t think it looks cheap and in person it was anything but. It was such a solid car for me. Quiet as an E-Class at highway speed even with the sunroof open and it has the most bullet-proof paint I’ve ever had on a car. I kept mine for over a decade and I didn’t even have a swirl in the paint. Yes, I

The C230 Coupe (hatch / 2-door) was ugly because the quarter panel had low wheel arches and make it weird. The C230 Sport Sedan was a gorgeous car that still looks great 20 years later.

Plaid seats rule (says this GTI guy). Although if you go custom I wouldn’t do that diagonal plaid.

Some vegans are even trying to infect people with lone star ticks to try and get them that red meat allergy.”

I used the same description of the dude when I read the story.

The designers of the BMW grilles shouldn’t not only be fired, they should be run out of the entire industry.  

The Thin Blue Line flag is part of the dealer prep. 

A Challenger outlast a Corolla”? Oh yeah, just like that time a Dodge Durango outlived a 4Runner.

This list should really have before and afters. And just think... twice as many slides for more reader engagement clicks!

Between being on Portlandia and stuff like this Kyle seems like a pretty cool guy. 

I wish I got the Cornflower blue Rabbit but there was no sunroof option and I do like to open the roof on a nice day. 

Bummer. My 2018 6-Speed has been absolutely great. Knobs and switches, no rattles and the paint is swirl free (and I’m a freak about that). 

I would de-badge that shit on day one.

When I go to the store my favorite Talenti Coffee Chocolate Chip is the only flavor that is sold out more than half the time. It is damn good. 

Perhaps the executive interior designer has a lot of stock in Fiji Water.

I’m a motorcyclist which, if done correctly, requires you to be aware of everything going on around you when riding. (Trust me, when you are driving your SUV you aren’t really too concerned about a slightly larger SUV cruising along a lane over and a car length back). That said I don’t think people even realize how

Although driving during the early covid lockdowns was the most enjoyable driving since the late 1980s. Traffic was nonexistent. 

People here are too young to understand what garbage these things were even when they were new. There is no nostalgia value. This POS should be relegated to “parking lot only” duty at a driving school or sent to a crusher.