17 Seconds

And somehow still seems to be leaving less debris behind it than most dump trucks I see on the highway.


My buddy has a Mach-E GT so I’ve spent a lot of time in it. He drives it the way that few people drive electric cars. If there is not traffic in front of us we generally do 0-60 in 3.5 seconds from every single stoplight. It’s a fun car and a great highway cruiser.

And the only way around it is if they put an “Emotional Support Vehicle” license plate on the car and a hang-tag from the review mirror. 

Trump is going to be orange with jealousy

And Biden also doesn’t have cult members who would buy his used bathwater.

Great looking car but it was a real POS.

This comment deserves more stars.

Make sure the sound is on.

This story is nothing without the video (I know it’s attached to the original piece) but let’s keep this insanity out there.

I hope the 300 multimillionaires are very happy with them. They deserve to catch a break.

Only 35K miles on it but so far so good.

Yikes. I’m  OCD about that kind of stuff but luckily my ‘18 has been rattle-free. 

Good. Getting in and out of a car is sometimes the most exercise many people will get.

My girlfriend’s Tiguan has been great for road trips. 

If every other company gives up the manual I guess I will be a Subaru owner again at some point. 

Insert Cary Grant “Get out!” meme here.

I used to be a fan of Consumer Reports but when they would report on certain products were I would be considered an expert (because of my profession) I realized how misguided some of their findings can be. The car stuff seems a bit more obvious however I am a bit confused by VWs rank in this. Everyone I know with a

And thanks for your equally useful reply.

Not as bad as the meaningless “game-changer” that is used for everything.