BuT tHE RIdgELinE iS NOt A trUCk! /s
BuT tHE RIdgELinE iS NOt A trUCk! /s
I don’t think you realize how many people don’t know shit about cars, don’t know what they want, and need someone to help them through the process. The problem is the shitty sales system that has been used for 75 years. If the manufacturer just paid sales people a livable wage and didn’t incentivize them for boning…
I’m starting to think that a lot of you guys are just trying to short Boeing stock.
Still an attractive car from the outside and I probably would have bought one years ago if it wasn’t for the quirky dash. This dash however makes me want to drive the car... to the crusher.
I like how we try to make garbage wheels sound hip by calling them “steelies”.
Good point but if a Mercedes C-Class and a Camry were lined up I’d take the C-Class... but I wouldn’t be afraid to take the Camry.
Hey those defamation lawsuits from people he raped aren’t going to pay for themselves.
Cancel and ask for your subscription fee back. Then you can use it to buy Trump NFTs.
To modify the great Norm Macdonald phrase about Hitler... “You know, the more I hear about this Trump guy, the more I don’t like him”.
I would like to see the Venn diagram for the “Don’t fly the Max” and “Don’t get the vax” groups. I think we’d have a pretty good overlap.
As if they really needed to put an American flag on it. Those mods are as American as gun show in a school parking lot.
“No low-ball offers, I know what I got.”
Probably less silly... for the reasons you mentioned.
I get it when using it like you are (nice looking by the way) but I see tons of them in the city/burbs where they are kind of silly.
Yes but you are comparing a Jeep’s value to a Jeep. And then you’d have to drive a Jeep.
Although he is a big VW fan and is correct that the Mk7 had so much right and the Mk8 effed it up for no good reason.
Yeah, and they are finding out that capital punishment for doctors who give abortions to kids who have been raped by their fathers isn’t quite the reelection platform that they hoped it was going to be.
Two packs of the Momofuku is a sodium bomb.
At the beginning of the pandemic Vroom bought my girlfriend’s beautiful WRX hatch for as much as an enthusiastic private-party buyer may have paid (perhaps a few dollars less) but she was thrilled to not have to not have to deal with vape-boyz looking for joyrides and telling her what mods they would do (once they can…
Some of these money losing companies can go on for over a decade without a year of profitability. See: Redfin.