Responding to this comment so it will rise above all the comments mansplaining my article back to me. Also, thank you.
Responding to this comment so it will rise above all the comments mansplaining my article back to me. Also, thank you.
the 90-yarder is the best because Williams had the safety lined up per usual 20 yards back and Odell still ran by him like the safety was Gregg and Odell was a head coaching job
Thank god. I thought I was having a seizure.
Those assholes are so smug that I’m more than happy to have the Dolphins wear the “Worst season of all-time” crown to go along with their perfect season.
Hey Patrick, is the video in this using the new proprietary video player? Because it’s vibrating and re-sizing constantly like an accelerated heartbeat unless I full-screen it. Tell Jim he sucks.
Can we root for them to be so bad that the 1972 Dolphins retroactively have their perfect season stripped so we never have to hear about it again?
Deadspin needs more women writers.
Since you asked, Leonard Floyd also got called for a bullshit personal foul for legally tackling someone earlier in the game.
On the one hand I love Ken Burns and his work, on the other hand I can’t stand country music. This stings knowing that he spent time on something I personally don’t like, instead of another subject that I would, but if that’s the price of getting the excellent baseball, Civil War, Vietnam, etc... then so be it.
It’s definitely not a cool choice around these parts, but I’m pretty confident that I’ve watched Anchorman a solid 75 times. We got the DVD and I’m not going to apologize that at the time, in my early 20's it was legitimately my favorite movie, to where my cousin and I literally watched it every day for a solid three…
I live 1/2 mile from my kids’ school and my work, so we walk. Sometimes I’ll go a whole week without driving on a freeway. It’s the only way I can stay sane here!
I live in downtown San Jose now and enjoy it. Unfortunately, with traffic as bad as it is now, the rush-hour commute to Atherton is more than an hour.
What kind of shitty job do you have where you have to wait until after work to Google shit? Are you a first responder or something?
Unlike the baseball, however, your wife’s seams are looser than ever.
Not surprising: The record-setter was hit in an Orioles game.
I’m here for the 2,000 word missive on polysaccharides, but I’m also more into etymology than chemistry, so here goes:
Polysaccharide combines the Greek prefix poly-, meaning “many”, with the Latin root saccharum, meaning “sugar”. This is bullshit, according to many old-school linguists, who don’t like to combine…
They’re not anymore. They went into the NAIA for a few years then dropped the program entirely after 2014. I’m acquainted with the AD there through work and they have a practice of “enrollment driven athletics,” where something like 60+ percent of their entire student body plays sports, but football became too…
The ball is clearly juiced. But your arguments are a slow dribbler to the pitcher.
This read like a article in an anthropological journal about some uncontacted tribe in the Amazon.
Wait, does he look exactly like he sounds? Dear comment reader, you know he does.