
How To Use A Tampon
by marmol

In China he only has to bribe the Government once, in America he has to bribe all 50 States. That is tiring don't you know.

Yeah "really expensive market" doesn't quite have the same ring to it.

Isn't it a pity that we tout a "free-market" model when it really depends on how much money you have to throw at the problem?

"Free-market" America tells me where I can and cannot sell my cars. Communist China allows me to sell anywhere....that's cute.

Vanity projects?!? That statement is unreal. SpaceX doing all the launching for NASA now is a vanity project? TESLA is a vanity project? The guy on his way to changing the world? What planet are you living on? You haven't got a clue, dude!

Vanity project? After PayPal he could have bought an island and sat his ass down for a life of opulent leisure. He put his entire fortune on the line, and committed every waking hour, for two companies that may literally change the future.

I would kill (figuratively) to work for Elon Musk's executive office, or any if his companies. The man is a modern day 21st century industrialist and pioneer. He has taken great risk and found great reward. To be involved in any ventures of this man is to be a part of making history.

They are going to try to bring the first stage down in the water in a powered descent with the landing legs deployed. I am very eager to see how that worked.

Seriously 1500 people in the span of 80 years for the city is a drop in the bucket especially since self-inflicted cause of death is like 6th (around 70 deaths per year).Numbers

Derek Jeter promptly quits team

I am slightly confused. Where I live (Calgary) alternative is alt rock. The station is not called the Edge, thankfully. Some of those Edge stations used to be good but, time spoils many things, I suppose.(102.1 in Toronto, looking at you and waggling my finger!)

Great article Tyler. Also, am I the only one who is bothered that the abbreviation for Man portable air defense systems is MANPADS? Why not M-PADS to sound less like a feminine hygiene product?

Tyler I'm sorry but this article is far too short and blah blah blah for my liking.

Well, like a Panamera would have looked if its exterior had been designed by a competent team.
