
Ex-fucking-cuse you?

Well, your mom is #1 on the cheapest rides list.

we had a lot of calls in the office and people thought that that actually was me in the skit.

And the democrats have compromised. The budget up for vote right now is the one Republicans want and is lower than Paul Ryan's budget which was generally called draconian. The republicans definition of compromise is getting everything they want and not giving an inch.

I couldn't agree more — The Military Industrial Complex is pretty disheartening — especially when you see the stark contrast between when my parents were in, and to now, when my friends are all retiring from Iraq / Afghanistan and feel horrible for having taken orders like they did.

BUT — The technology involved in the

Fuck the noise. Living on Edwards Air Force Base and hearing all the sonic booms just cheered me up. Every, fucking, time.

Nothing better than watching an F-16 / F-15 blast over head. Truly, if you want to be proud of America's military tech, look no further. It's staggeringly beautiful, in every sense.

I also got to

One could say the same of roses and babies. Some things just are- because. Lighten up, Francis.

Thank you for asking. My name is Chuck Dillon from the Philadelphia area. I am a professional cartoonist & children's literature illustrator specializing Highlights for Children's Hidden Pictures and What's Wrong? features among many other fun stuff. I also created the Which Art Student Are You? Illustrations which

NASA's unmanned program has avoided becoming the jobs program that the manned program has devolved into and I applaud their successes.

First responders said the cameraman looked to have suffered horrible, life-threatening injuries, but he was just tired.

In Soviet Russia (and anywhere else for that matter) you adopt dog, but cat adopts you!

Even Russian wildlife run insurance scams.

nope. we have that. even now.

You could even build a house on it and live where ever you wanted.