
lmao I’d love to see the same eager investigative attitude applied to executives at literally any large auto manufacturer

Such a diverse military-industrial complex. And people say society isn’t progressing!

The idea of looking being bad is just one step removed from the idea of being topless being bad...


Not to mention the absolutely, unprecedentedly extraordinary customer service one would receive were their Tesla to demonstrate reliability issues. Any other car company would probably completely ignore these claims. One doesn’t see Dodge or GMC being publicly called out and having articles written about them for

I suspect you are vastly misinterpreting the ITS’ preliminary design. You also seem to be intrinsically ignoring the original intent of such an “elegant” (read: simple, low complexity) architecture, as well as Musk’s almost certainly thoroughly thought out dismissal of cyclers like the one you’ve proposed.

Also was 100% NOT “Facebook’s” satellite. Oh, the death of journalism...

Jesus fucking Christ, this article is such unbelievably bad “journalism” that I wished dearly that it was a repost from The Onion before I even opened it. What the fuck is your problem with Musk?

More like Sharia Law would be fine if we came up with it first!

As my physics prof always said: it’s not the voltage that kills you, it’s the amperage.

That is just for the 100kWh battery.

Jesus, what the hell do you people want to happen? Do you want all autonomous driving to be unilaterally banned if a single slightly bad event occurs with slight tangential relation to autonomous systems? As previous commenters have noted, this pathetic witch hunt puts you in the same league as those modern fools who

I think the definition of “petty” in this case would actually lean towards a journalist finding it newsworthy that an extraordinarily busy person running three companies in the throes of major changes and expansion would have the gall to block the Twitter of a news company quite blatantly failing to fully research

Wow, this is a vast improvement compared to the previous 2010s models.

Pls tell me that “Can you write good?” was intentional..


Actually not at all the reason, although it helps. Tesla is probably the most vertically integrated car manufacturer that exists, which is why they are able to do this so quickly.

Sorry, but it honestly looks perfect fine to me. A larger back trunk would defeat the purpose of increasing the space in the actual cabin, and it has two trunks anyhow.

Haha the cracks are showing in her hyper-constructed shell

Well, legitimately, why are you voting for Clinton over Sanders? How exactly has she won your vote, as a Latino?