
>inb4 horrific dystopia

Same with me and rubbing dry fingers together or on paper/napkins. njkdsadnhjkgjksa The thought alone makes me shudder

Aww, don't cry, orange car ):

Holy sh*t, that went about as badly as possible.

I've been reading without subvocalizations for so long that I am nearly incapable of reading with them when it comes to reading anything other than textbooks.

"Should we send a robotic ______ to ______?"

Screaming "FOR SCIENCE!", as well! :D

While they were in sync, I imagined they were a bunch of mini soldiers marching.

Agreed. They look good, and that's about where the good things end.

How about 'less pain, more gain'? :D

Me neither. There probably would be, nonetheless. No escaping it ):

In my humble opinion, that cop is a fucking bigoted asshole who somehow managed to get a badge.

All the more reason to go to SPAAACE :D

Me neither. What is the rush, though?

Damn, British-Indian accents are so elegant.

I really do hate the military budget of America with a passion. Just IMAGINE what we could be doing if those $700 billion+ were going towards space. It depresses me to no end when I consider that NASA's budget isn't even half a percent of the Federal budget.

The problem is that PC setups are not typically pleasing to the eye. Mine certainly isn't. If you find some that look good, please submit them! I need to make my workstation look better.

Having an awesome-looking home screen certainly feels refreshing! You should do it!

"Hi Lifehacker readers! We're currently chewing through thousands of uploaded libraries, so your results will be delayed a few hours. Sorry about the delay!"

Review the F-35. That would be fun.