
I don't think you understand the comparison, it more is suggesting that no matter the risks, people will continue to have children or at least try, else they would go extinct.

Exactly. This still occurs in third-world countries today, as well.

It's a big step to that single person, but in the collective view of even a few thousand, the decision is black and white: either attempt to give birth, or die out.

The placebo effect is surprisingly strong.

That car will certainly be in more than one piece very soon.

That's perfectly logical and alright. My point is just that if you don't like something, you should not advocate against it unless your reason is very persuasive. I agree that space colonization is dangerous, but so was moving West, exploring the world by sea, crossing the Atlantic to find India, etc. Some risks are

I don't know, but I sure know thousands of people jumping up and down to be on a one-way Mars mission. (MarsOne, the guy who created it has got thousands of emails from eager volunteers)

Just go to the source link, open the images you like from there (they'll open in Flickr), right click on the flickr image, choose whatever size you want, and then right click and save as.

Oh, so you've been to Mars, copulated, given birth, and proven that the baby would not grow safely?

Easily the best looking car I have ever seen. DAMN

That image is horrifically exposed. Should I touch it up a bit and reupload?


Interesting. And by curl, I imagine you mean try to make my tongue like a "U"?

All you actually need is any working email... Otherwise a good idea. :)

What do you mean by "do the same thing with your tongue"?

Thanks a lot :D

You just need to travel to some Southern institutes with space related programs. You'll find plenty of "Champerne Supernovers" down there!

Does anyone know if this integrates with 3rd party Windows 7 themes? Or would it look completely different?

lol'd xD

While shopping: "Ma'am, where can I find the gallon jugs of semen?"