
What I wouldn't give to have been there... damn!


I will forever hate anyone with a lifted truck or a a truck that they use to do absolutely everything except what a truck is meant to do.

My dad used to go up in those all the time to fly through storms.

Tool's videos are masterpieces!

Agreed :D I think they've very much learned from their mistakes. Thanks!

I am too. ): It's truly nerve-racking. I ABSOLUTELY hope that that is what they've been doing. Damn aerospace companies causing delays and massive budget overruns...

Unfortunately, Hubble had some MAJOR hiccups in its beginning. Let's truly hope, for the sake of NASA and space funding, that these engineers have done their utmost to prevent that from happening again. Especially due to the fact that we are no longer capable of sending a manned mission to repair it in the case the

Damn, that's a fascinating proposal :D

For music, I scan iTunes' Alternative and Rock sections. For books, I follow my favorite authors and look at the SciFi and New Releases sections on Goodreads.com.

Ah, I see now! Isn't it, though? I spun around in my room for like ten minutes!

Well with Android, you can download it from the Market on a desktop browser and it is sent to download on your phone when service or WIFI is available. Not too sure when it comes to Apple products.

That fact never ceases to amaze me. And we can add Titan to that list as well, which is absolutely mind boggling considering that it already has an atmosphere and lakes of liquid methane.

To anyone with a tablet; visit this panorama on it. The web app it runs on enables the gyroscope in your device and allows you to stand in a room and see it as if your device was a windows and you had to move it around to see everything.

Well that sounds like a bad choice of car to tune! Good explanation.

Can't tell if innuendo or serious. :(

Alright. I'm certain I'll be able to explain the million pound bag of genetically engineered microbes to the Mars One trainers! Hahaha :)

In the background, you can hear the whimpering project manager!

And Sax sneakily planted a special kind of algae all over in a sort of guerilla terraforming!