
I suddenly feel no need for dinner.

I found a link to what I was saying. It's still not too accurate, as this is clearly some time after the movies, but still shows that the comic books had him using a neural interface to use his suit! :)

Carbon nanotube gel stuff. I forgot what it's called, but it's basically a utilization of carbon nanotubes that are infinitely springy and can compact hundreds of thousands of times before they wear out a lot.

Damn haha. I will go try and find where I got that info, I know that I paraphrased it too much.

Exactly like the explanations for how Master Chief's MOJILNIR helps him, as explained in some of the books. :D

That is undoubtedly true. Superhero and high-tech movies always do that stuff.

Technically speaking, the HUD is only in his mind. The comic book Iron Man somehow manages to give himself a neural interface, which he uses with Jarvis and his suits.

I entirely agree that it was useful or possibly still is under certain conditions. But when it involves legislation that could ultimately kill people who live near the ocean for the sake of the old and greedy bureaucrats' peace of mind, then it's out of hand. I'm sure it won't get passed, but just that fact that it

I imagine that those crappy casino towns are incredibly religious, in the same way that you would expect trailer parks to be full of religious nuts or just crazy people in general.

There are no words for how much I dislike that ability haha

I so agree.

This is so perfect :D

Ah. I had no clue that was the username, or that it being there meant it was the username. (I'm a newbie, as I said)

Nowhere in the setup process does it give you a username.

Alright haha

I'm a newbie to FTP, could you possibly help? So I set up the server from my phone, but my computer requires a password, as well as a username (that I was never prompted to create, so I don't know what it is). How do you find out the username?


hahaha I guess I can't deny that. I definitely agree that it's sort of awkwardly disproportionate to the rest of the car. But I still love it! The headlights make it not so bad for me, they look fantastic.

I know! I agree with the point you were meaning to make :D It would be the best news I've heard in a long time if this jump-started a whole new space industry or something of the sort.

Well, if it's for an actual reason, then go for it! I really just hate all the massive lifted trucks with eye-sore bumpers that are sparkling clean and clearly are only used as an augmentation for the owner's minuscule penis haha.