
Bad word choice. Hahaha.

Look at this glorious picture and tell me you still don't like the front :D

I disagree.

Exactly my thoughts.... Hopefully they incinerate that abomination!

Please don't.... Having a "I'M A MASSIVE DOUCHEBAG/WHITE TRASH" truck is bad enough, the bumper is just a slap in the face to people with actual style or class.

A Pinzgauer gettin' it on with a boat? Kinkyyyy.

That picture is incredibly beautiful. Gotta love space.

Fern Gully was like my favorite movie as a kid. xD

Here's 100 tons!

Yeah, I completely agree with your first paragraph. We just keep on digging our grave.... :/

Oh, there are hundreds of thousands of poverty stricken people with no shame who are literally fighting to get the next factory job that pays so far below minimum wage in America that the poorest of Americans would even laugh at it?

Reminds me of the absolutely awesome book by Peter Hamilton called The Neutronium Alchemist :D

Damn that poorrrr, poor horse. ):

Well it's government subsidized... sooooo they probably cost around $15 a piece.

That's exactly what I was thinking. xD

Mmm I love me a hot pretzel with no salt. :D

Right? Some people are just so darn intelligent!

Survival of the fittest, since 3,000,000,000 B.C. :D

......wut. That's absolutely insane, I would love to see that video. Loling just thinking about it.

"Ah good sir, I see a massive fireball has erupted from your hood scoop! I shall safely inspect this issue by sticking my head in said hood scoop."