you assumed their gender you cis-privileged bitch
you assumed their gender you cis-privileged bitch
You’re talking about your personal perspective living in a city and you’ve been biased by a car culture that loves to make fun of big trucks that aren’t used for their intended purpose. Your “too large to be practical” is nowhere near true for those who live outside of a metropolitan area. Visit a town built around a…
ok, again, there is a right vehicle for the right terrain and context. Sure you’ll come across tight spaces offroad, but also 100 other kinds of terrain. Would you seriously argue that trophy trucks, for example, would be better if they were less wide? Smaller has it’s advantages but being big and beefy does as well.…
too big for what though? You should understand the right size is relative to what you need a vehicle for. If I wanted a truck to have some fun offroad while hunting or exploring backcountry, I’d go for a raptor. I mean it would do a better job than my old 7.3 f350, which almost any case is actually too big (though…
umm im sure most people who buy this car would have driven an automatic
hahaha omg this is literally the way I’m going to illustrate a double standard now. Could you imagine if a white person criticized black people for they way they worship? One’s racism, the other isn’t; who knew?
do you think being emotional means doing something and being unaffected means a passive approach? You can still act to counteract someones words, and be cool. If someone deserves the shit beat out of them, do it as cool as a cucumber, why not? The idea that you can reserve your emotions for a certain threshold exists,…
What I’m always self-debating is whether or not to honk as an observer in this type of situation. In this case I think the kid was alerted to danger, but sometimes I wonder if honking will cause an exposed individual to focus their attention on you and thus taking their attention away from the danger. I could see the…
What I’m always self-debating is whether or not to honk as an observer in this situation. In this case I think the kid was alerted to danger, but sometimes I wonder if honking will cause an exposed individual to focus their attention on you and thus taking their attention away from the danger. I could see the kid…
you’d drive one but try cross-shopping it with it’s segment. A chevy sonic/honda fit/ ford fiesta are sooooo much better for what you pay. Yaris is stuck in the year 2005, except for it’s face which looks like toxic radiation was dumped on an already ugly fish face to make it even uglier.
yaris sucks. Chevy sonic blows it out of the water. After recently cross shopping a bunch of compact hatches, the honda fit and sonic are at the top and the yaris is as abysmally optioned as the nissan versa/micra is terrible in every other aspect. Toyota is coasting and their cars are ugly
detroit isn’t the capital of michigan!?
They lost a relatives baggage (never did find it either, even after soliciting them a million times) and wouldn’t let them board a plane because of some electronic document they needed called an eTA (for Canada). My relatives ended up having to spend an extra $1000 CAD to get here (hotel and another flight), a lot of…
lmaoooo those are amazing (anti-hero kind of way) motorcycles that I imagine would exist in some dystopian version of planet earth. sci-fi writers should get on it. Personally I’d be loath to ride the Holomodor 1000SM
oooh yeah sooo many bmws, bro, LOL
Says you. I see lots of young guys on harleys and I’ve even been tempted to get on a sportster 1200. That shits cool, and 4 valves now is even cooler. The harley dealer will always be the biggest in any north american city and Sturgis will still explode every year whether pretentious people like it or not. Although…
I can do it in my 7.3 powerstroke, 1st to 5th haha. All you need is 500lbft of torque at like 1500 rpm and you can get that thing moving in any gear you want
I concede to your great intellect, sir. Thine rebuttals did indeed tickle my funnybone. Perchance we shall duel wits again apropos other shitty automobiles
frigg off you un-american circle jerking fanboy. Often times I have to double take when I see one because it’s lines are like those of an fd rx7 and that car is by no means ugly. If you want to be coddled by your car’s interior go buy yourself a broken down jag from the bottom of the craigslist chum bucket and sit in…