
There are some people who need fewer things and more time with friends and family. There are other people who need more things.

I'm a male soccer fan and I would totally watch the German women's team for Kerstin Garefrekes. I don't care why you watch soccer.

Compared to the average favela-dweller, most hipsters are wealthy.

The phrase "the exception that proves the rule" is meaningless and should not be said by anyone. How on earth does an exception prove a rule? You should have just said, "OK, that's an exception," and left it at that.

Are you saying hipsters can't be wealthy and fat?

But then why wouldn't an offensive player just try to crash into every defender who jumps to block a shot? As a defender you're allowed to jump straight in the air to block a shot. And if you're in the air, obviously you're moving.

Does anybody know what the data look like if you compare the domestic violence statistics between married and never-married women, controlling for age, wealth, and race?

What do you mean by "best player alive"? Maybe this year Ronaldo is playing better than Messi. But if you compare their respective bodies of work over the course of their careers, do you think Ronaldo is a better player than Messi?

Well I agree that the circus and professional wrestling are not sports, but circus performers and professional wrestlers are definitely athletes. You're performing feats that depend on your physical fitness and physical skill for success.

I'm really into women of all races. Hey, where are all of you going?

I got a can of Guinness at a local bar in Wisconsin once. I wasn't allowed to leave the bar with the can even if the can was empty. :(

I feel weird about tipping bartenders. Like, I know that I should (and I do, most of the time), but sometimes the bar is really busy and the bartender makes you a complicated drink. Other times the bar is almost empty and the bartender hands you a beer in a can or pours you a beer from a tap. HOW DO I TIP A BARTENDER

I agree with you that there's zero room in the game for throwing at people intentionally. Ejecting pitchers any time they hit a batter completely by accident is taking things too far though. The really serious injuries come from fastballs thrown above the shoulders. If a knuckleball or curveball slips out of the hand

I like cricket. Although I will admit that bench-clearing brawls are kind of fun to watch, in cricket you virtually never see any on-field altercations because brawling is considered totally unacceptable. It just isn't done. That seems to me a better system.

For a moment I believed those quotes were real.

The Spurs starters were playing worse than the second unit yesterday.

I like Westbrook a lot (I'm a Thunder fan), but "one-man team" and 10 assists don't go together. You can't pass the ball to yourself. So that's the only place where I would have taken issue with your original comment.

I don't read all of them but I usually enjoy the articles of Lindy's that I do read. She often makes good and interesting points in my opinion. And I thought the "How to Make a Rape Joke" article was a particularly interesting one.

What, specifically, from that "How to Make a Rape Joke" article did you change your mind about?

The stereotypically male interests vs. non stereotypically male interests angle doesn't interest me as much. More interesting are the ways men and women are expected to behave. With men, you're sort of expected to have a take-charge, confident, assertive personality and to make the first move. If you're a straight