
The reason false rape accusations are not as bad as rape: rape happens a lot, false accusations happen very rarely. Most accusations are truthful. Yes, falsely accusing someone of rape is very bad. Yes, false accusations can ruin an innocent person's life. No one is disputing that. But rape can also destroy a victim's

The phrase "bubbled in his little box" kind of makes ME want to throw up.

Hi Kat,

Hi Burt,

If you're aroused or horny, a boner feels pretty fucking good. It feels slightly better if you rub it or tug on it, of course, haha. The most sensitive part is the tip, specifically the front side of the tip (the part that faces behind the man when the dick is hanging down or that faces down when his dick erect.

If you weren't friends, why would Lisbeth Salamander be in your house?

Yes, it is sexually charged and there is an abundance of ass shaking and scantily clad-ness, but it's all done under a lack of male gaze.

Holy shit. The people in charge of running the local police department in Ferguson should go to jail for this.

Not anymore. Jon Koppenhaver legally changed his name to War Machine in 2008.

White guy here, so grain of salt, but (1) you probably can't name a single successful rapper anywhere who raps with an Australian accent. (2) Iggy Azalea learned how to rap well in the American South working with black artists. She came to Miami as a teenager, specifically because America is a much better place than

Now playing

There's already a great white female rapper out there. Her name is Snow Tha Product.

~ The question was for you to answer, but if I'm reading correctly... The guy may have finished the race (again, alone) but that doesn't imply that he "earned" anything?! Really?! Since there wasn't someone else to compare his performance to, his entire performance is then null & void?! He doesn't deserve any credit

Because not raping a woman = treating her like a child.

No, it's you. It's definitely you.

Where'd you learn how to read? I hope that place went out of business. They didn't do a good job.

If you pressure a woman into sex and you can't figure out that she doesn't actually want to be having sex with you at all, you're too stupid or too evil to be having sex.

And you don't that's treating a grown woman like a child?

Number one, it's rape because you can't stick your dick in somebody without asking first. Number two, she was drunk. DRUNK PEOPLE CANNOT CONSENT TO SEX. Number three, she didn't say no, but she never said yes. CONSENT MEANS SAYING YES. The default is not, have sex with this person unless they say no. The default is,

If the woman consents, by definition it isn't rape. What you are talking about is not consent. You cannot consent under duress. You cannot consent while drunk.

Look, there's no rule that says it isn't rape unless a woman kicks and screams. Sex without consent is rape. Period. Full stop. I can try to explain why a woman doesn't always kick and scream when she's being raped but I can't make you understand. You're placing the burden of not getting raped on the rape victim when