
A lot of people don't realize there's such a big difference between "transgender" and "transgendered." Dan Savage (who I know in other contexts has come off as really transphobic) addressed this in a column several weeks ago.

Actually one of the best things about being a straight white cis guy is the ability to decide what's offensive for every other group. It's what gets me out of bed in the morning. </:?)

The accommodation he requested was not reasonable. Class participation is an essential part of the class. You can't participate in class if you don't go to class.

This is probably one of those classes where listening to what other classmates say in class discussions and contributing to those same discussions for the benefit of your classmates is considered an essential part of the course. It's not just about the test at the end.

It seems you're reading things into hocouture's comment that aren't there. (BTW, I eat meat, and I eat fast food fairly often too.)

Journalist: Jizz. How much of it was there?

I'm from the Northeast and I don't know of anyone who says "wes." I'll have to pay attention to it now but I'm not a fan of any of the Wisconsin sports teams so it may be a while.

Well, I've only lived in Wisconsin for a year and half, but I don't think I've ever heard anybody pronounce it "wes" and not "wis."

The vowel's not quite the same, Wisconsin ends in "in" and Washington ends in "un."

Wikipedia says it's "Ottawan," not "Ottawegian."

Because Washington ends in "-ton." You can add "-ite" to the end of Wisconsin a lot more easily than "-ian."

"I disagree with what this music video represents" clearly implies "they should not have made the music video [this way]", does it not? Why are you disagreeing with me on this point?

Just curious: where do Sinhalese guys rank in the dating hierarchy with your parents?

"It's not policing." Well, the point of the article is clearly to argue that Shakira and Rihanna shouldn't have made this music video.

Is Jezebel the Borg?

Yes, I read the entire article. I just . . . I didn't find it very persuasive. Like, I don't know, I'm being to understand, but I'm not there yet.

I'm not just trolling. I'm seriously asking. Maybe I just haven't read enough stuff about how lesbians are perceived in society. I feel like I'm so close to seeing your point but I'm not quite there yet.

How does this affect other women?

Straight guy here. For what it's worth, I don't enjoy lesbian porn. I didn't enjoy this music video. But I don't get what all the fuss is about.

I was in a graduate program for philosophy (not at Colorado, but at a state school in the Midwest). I never personally observed any sexism or sexual harassment at my school. We had a couple of professors who were passionate about social justice and I think in general our department had pretty good anti-discrimination