I haven’t seen it mentioned in these articles, so I don’t know how well known it is, but, after Heche’s father died of HIV/AIDS in 1983, her mother became a Christian activist, insisting he “died of homosexuality.” She even wrote a memoir about Anne coming out.
I know things have gone downhill, but the site’s tagline is still “Pop culture obsessives writing for the pop culture obsessed.” This isn’t, like, out of bounds.
Considering how antagonistic we are toward the writers, editors, and executives, I’m just amazed it didn’t happen sooner. But I think it’d be great if it all just turned into a long-term game of comradely snarking.
As a gay man I can confirm that I don’t find anyone you mentioned attractive or handsome in the slightest, and I can pretty much guarantee that 99% of men and women I know would agree, regardless of politics or general douchebaggery.
Who remembers when the AV Club ran a weekly crossword puzzle? That’s how long I’ve been a regular visitor here. After all the great writers and features that have gone, and all the full-screen pop-up ads and everything else awful that’s been added, these 30-second videos (that, by the way, I’m not going to watch and …
wait so we say body positivity, but also body shame elon musk? seems the entire article is saying “ew, he has a weird torso”. a bit of a double standard no, jezebel?
The CGI still has me a teensy bit worried, but the show itself looks pretty fun with this trailer.
Is this a joke? This is such a cliché article. The same article that is written anytime a famously beautiful woman is cheated on. People assume someone’s level of physical attractiveness should make their partners incapable of cheating on them. What does that say about less attractive people? Of course, she was…
I’ve never seen Babylon 5, but I did just finish Deep Space Nine for the first time, and it’s not only the best Star Trek show, it’s also one of the best shows of all time.
My general rule of thumb when it comes to lawsuits being pressed against massive corporations by individuals that sound ridiculous on the face of it is that, nine times out of ten, there’s details that are going unreported that make the whole thing entirely reasonable.
But I have to believe that getting a handy from Kevin Spacey is probably pretty easy to walk away from—at any age.
I take zero issue with the episode lengths in S4. Very little of it felt wasted.
Whenever they get around to making a real FF movie, assuming that Krasinski is indeed not cast as the “real” Reed, they should still have versions of him pop in through multiverse portals every so often only to be immediately killed in increasingly absurd ways.
Not to be the Capital Police or anything, but this article uses both “Capitol police” and “Capitol Police” when it should really pick one and stick with it.
This is a fun season in ways that were missing or lesser in S2-3, almost as much so as the first. I look forward to it closing out strong.
“Art is fire plus algebra.” That’s a quote credited to Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges. Basically the idea is that in really great art—and, by extension, storytelling—there is an almost mathematical precision to decision-making. Yes, much of artistic expression is about feeling and emotion. But plugging that into a …
Or, taken from a slightly different perspective... he was alone in a shed for months on end recording a special... what other face was he going to use?