Sleepaway the Gay Camp?
Sleepaway the Gay Camp?
Richard Kind doesn't slum - Richard Kind works.
And satan at one point. That was weird.
I like the episodes where they tackle social issues or paying homage to genre tropes like crime noir etc. but the supernatural and religious parts of the show always feel heavy handed or awkwardly written to me.
Somehow cannon or GTFO.
Personally, I can’t wait until scrotes like you realize they don’t have to comment on every thread of something they don’t like.
As goofily enjoyable as Rudd can be, it is nice to have someone who actually knows how to use the suit and get the most out of it, so yes.
He was incredible, and somehow never got the credit he deserved.
Craig Ferguson was the best host of any later late night show and pretty much nobody could do the kind of thing he did.
“This marks the first time a Latino will lead a Marvel movie—and the first live-action Marvel flick about a Latino hero.”
Expertly presented this story in the clickbait-iest way possible. I’m almost impressed.
Trailer? It had a teaser two full years ago.
AVC’s fallen so far that even the gimmick commenters suck now
that our major beef with the Razzies is not so much their general mean-spiritedness, but the sheer lack of creativity with which they express it
Boffo Deez Nutz?
Low stakes! Long in the tooth! Bloodless performances! Just plain Vlad! Let the wrong one in! Plot twists that come from far left Renfield! Umm... too much Valium, not enough Allium?
That’s fair, like I said, I read it a long time ago and reasonable people can disagree on this stuff. The structure of it stuck with me, and not in a good way. My overall impression was that the logic underpinning the structure had some problems. Basically, the way that chapters on the history of Mormonism or the…
I agree with this, from what I remember reading the book a long time ago. He was quick to remind people that one of the reasons we find LDS and it’s history so strange is because it’s very new and we have a more extensive record of it happening, as opposed to older more establishes religions. He also describes the…
Also read recently and have to agree. Hooked the whole time, and the wild ride that was the birth of the LDS church could have easily been a book onto itself.
“I’m going to move to Malibu, shave my pussy, and learn to surf”
“Shave your pussy? Why are you going to shave your pussy?”
“So I can surf faster, Jesse!”
Wow. Turned out...fair? Im suprised.