
This makes me wanna fart.

Looks like it could be fun - I think Brad Pitt is at his best in deadpan comedic mode, a la Ocean’s 11.

What on earth?!

Remember discovering his Comedy Central Presents...set on, well, Comedy Central as a kid. Middle of the day, there I sat: enraptured. Dude was very, very funny. RIP.

Claiming false ownership of another’s creative work is kind of a huge component of this scam, though, so this tracks.

Funny, I just followed a link from Twitter and accidentally ended up back here at AV Club for the first time in years - I’m actually amazed that I’m somehow logged in - and now I feel nostalgic for the good ol’ days bitching about Discus.

NoHo Hank is probably one of my favorite characters to ever make it to the screen. The right mix of good-natured and psychopathic to be a perfect comic foil to Barry.

If you get this angry over something as meaningless as a trailer, maybe you need to reevaluate the priorities in your life 

[Jackson] adding, “If I were you, I wouldn’t say anything.” Of course, Timberlake should’ve recognized that that doesn’t literally mean “don’t say anything,” so one could argue that it’s still fair to point out that his lack of a response did nothing but benefit him and lay all of the blame on her, but that would be

I believe a similar change is being made to the WWII curriculum in Tennessee as we speak.

I hope this also covers the original problematic aspects of Cosby. His 1990s reactionary, conservative streak. From the Washington Post: “His politics of respectability and black conservatism reinforced stereotypes of black pathology — criminality, anti-intellectualism, hypersexuality, family dysfunction — that gave


asked and answered!

is there a movie more cursed than this one?

I’ve heard that argument against a Quantum Leap reboot before and I have never understood it.

As a kid, the Evil Leaper wasn’t nearly as scarring as the Halloween episode where Sam has to fight Satan who turns into Al and then a Goat.

that journal entry is really hard to fit into that narrative. 

This is pretty much my exact take. The highs of this show were EXTREMELY high for the sitcom format. The finale, while not the best ep, made narrative sense for a 9-season show. (and the wish-fulfillment alternate cut was actually worse, in my opinion). But, I dunno, i think the seeming sloppiness or downer aspects of

I’m pretty anti-prison, and I want real criminal justice reform, so the idea of an 18 year old being warehoused and incarcerated for four years is not an appealing one to me either.