
“Bob was the first comedian that I ever saw perform, when I was a boy, live, and I loved him. But one thing that bonds us as comedians is we’re bitter, and jealous, and we hate everyone else that has any success. But Bob, honestly, has never had an unkind word for anybody, and I love him, and I hope everyone else

This is a hell of an option to have on your website:

Meanwhile most people are getting the virus from simply going the work. But, let's make movie screenings be your concern.

Okay, okay, that’s all well and good, and the points you’ve made are absolutely true. But you cannot say that Elon Musk doesn’t live-tweet his poops. You just can’t!

I’ll explain: ncbo, like anyone with two brain cells to rub together, is laughing at you for saying that supporting workers is SOCIALIST PROPAGANDA HIDE THE KIDS!

I so wanted to love Mulholland Drive. I so hated it.

Lesser than 1940s unions is sOciAliSt

Eyes closed, he sighs deeply and pinches the bridge of his nose.

“They need to know. They’d want to know. Someone needs to tell them.”

With a heavy heart, he raises his right finger in the air, in the universal symbol of “um, actually...”

Um, actually, 2001 was the first year of the 21st century. 2000 was the final

That’s how it’s spelled, it’s pronounced like ‘Keith’.

‘Strictly Come Saturday, Innit?’

So a dedicated... vocal minority. ;)

I can’t say this movie looks all that interesting to me, and Amazon is one of the only streaming services I don’t subscribe to, so there’s a good chance I won’t see this. But it does seem like Sorkin has reached the point where his approval rating with critics is somewhere south of chlamydia, and he’s become such a

Somewhere Whomever is still alive from Lee Zeppelin is going “good thing no one paid attention to how much music we “interpreted” and didn’t credit in our day”.

Happy for Matt and Kingpin to presumably be back in the mix. Would really be happy to start hearing buzz about the return of Jessica Jones

yeah, maybe listen to Jewish people when they tell you antisemitism can be a problem on the left?

>>Malina brings up some good points (aside from this assertion that “the anti-racist, progressive left often seems to tolerate and, at times, produce” antisemitism—you can take the man out of The West Wing, but you can’t take The West Wing out of the man).

*progressive, anti-racist Jewish person makes a point about occasional tolerance of anti-Semitism in progressive, anti-racist circles*

the anti-racist, progressive left often seems to tolerate and, at times, produce” antisemitism

Seriously, lordy mercy is this take off. I’m pretty far left and emphatically believe that criticism of Israel’s government is in a separate circle from antisemitism, but hoo boy are there folks on my side who live in the middle of that Venn Diagram.