
Furthermore, “only in theaters” has definitely been a movie marketing tagline at least since I was a kid; it’d come at the end of tv spots usually.

Also what’s with this acting like Eternals isn’t doing just as well as Black Widow and Shang-Chi did? It didn’t go over well with critics but it’s not like Eternals isn’t making money.

You see, there was this thing called Covid recently that shut down the theaters, so some movies started releasing on the internet first, and then sometimes they would come out in theaters *and* online at the same time. (sorry for being a dick)

I remember when my Grandma got Alzheimer’s from being around someone who used aluminum in their deodorant. It was such a sad time.

Google “long COVID” and get back to me on the quality of life of that entire “survival” thing.

Can you please link to the study that found this number? I’m interested in learning more.

We saw The French Dispatch last week. It has some great, laugh out loud moments, and the first of the three major segments is some of Anderson’s strongest work as a director, but it suffers from the usual problem I find in anthology films, in that the end result is very uneven. Not that the last two stories are bad,

Remember ALF? He’s back, in NFT form

This is doubly weird for me, since I’ve always referred to 9/11 as the wardrobe malfunction of America’s foreign policy.

Is the site now so dependent on MCU content that it needs to be inserted into something that has absolutely nothing to do with them? Reminds me of the days when the Game of Thrones fan petition had to be shoehorned in what what felt like dozens of times.

Good god, what a load of crap this piece was from first capital letter to last punctuation mark.  I know, I know, why should I expect anything better now?

Also I think we have different definitions of the middle of middle class.

but you do understand the 32% is just for those dollars over the line, right? 

The trailer kind of shows that if anything, the world has slowly devolved into the Always Sunny universe and not the other way around 

One of those character actors like Ray Wise who instantly make me happy when I see them onscreen because they are always going to be fun whether the movie or show is brilliant or crap.

I tend to believe people when they say they're not anti-vax, because actual anti-vaxxers are stupidly proud of it. 


1 & 4 were great, 2 was very good, 3 was medicore but miles better than 5-8.

A true classic.