
Ahh, a non-news story that admits as much and also sounds like it was written by someone who holds only disdain for the material referenced. Gotcha.

Even middling Spoon is above-average rock. They’re almost as reliable as it gets.

“I don’t know; every time a villain is from the military or US government, it’s always made very clear that they’re one bad egg within a system that otherwise always works, and that they need to be neatly excised so the military/government can keep doing things right.”

“The way NFTs work is they’re exclusive...”

Captain Marvel made a billion dollars. And Endgame was almost complete by the time it released (they came out like two months apart). Carol’s role was modest in Endgame because she’s insanely overpowered, and for the time being it’s best to keep her on the sidelines and use her as a last resort, lest she become a

The German Dispatch, The Hungarian Dispatch and finally Rise of Dispatch.

That’s a lot of passion for a show you like so little. And in response to what was essentially an obituary. Did all the Friends gang-bang your girlfriend, or something?

Schwimmer had become a very successful TV director, Kudrow has starred in her own excellent show, Aniston is doing well on the Morning Show, LeBlanc’s Episodes show was really good. It’s only Cox and Perry that aren’t doing much at then moment. 

My fondest wish is for another ESPN Classic with Pete Twinkle and Greg Stink.  

I mean the context of the roles matters a bit - Gibson was a leading man before he went off the deep end and afterwards he was either directing movies he himself heavily funded or taking on whatever smaller roles he could to try to work his way back.

Someone in a long-term relationship with a woman a decade older than him seems like someone attracted to kids?

This one is of real interest though. They went through hours and hours of never-before-seen professionally shot footage of them actually being in the studio and working and whatnot. Quite intimate. And pretty special. That’s something we haven’t really seen before in that scope. And it was put together by a world

I’m not trying to be mean, but you know- don’t watch it.

I mean if this documentary does its job well, it won’t need to tell us, it can just show us. And as somebody who loves the Beatles (and isn’t a boomer), that’s honestly what I really want, just to see. And hear.


It’s a similar problem to the original movie. Yeah Kevin stole that toothbrush but at worst the cops would given him a stern talking to.

The premise worked a lot better 30 years ago.

Um, I loved rap in the 90s and listened to it constantly but everyone knows that the ‘rap’ verse in pop songs is always cringeworthy.

Clearly you weren’t invited to the pants party.

Can’t wait for the conservative think pieces about how this show is further weakening our children by teaching them the value of treating people like people for the first time in history. Can’t do embedded links anymore, but just imagine I did that trick where each of the last few words in the previous sentence links