
AV Club’s regular coverage of the ongoings of ICP is one of the weirdest things...

Aw that genuinely makes me sad. This dude is the only person I have ever thought sufficiently apologized for homophobic lyrics and stuff.

Fucking amazing. I cannot wait for this. Seeing Doc Ock, the Pumpkin bomb and hearing that laugh again.

Most of my fat is in my head and neck. And several other places. 

“You met me at a very strange time in my life”

Ernest Hemingway once wrote, “The world is a fine place and worth fighting for.” I agree with the second part.

Hm. For a bit, recently, I’ve been on the “IW wasn’t really good” train. I’m wrong.

See, I thought Thor getting Stormbringer was a great misdirect. It’s the weapon that can kill Thanos!! He has to nearly sacrifice his life to get it! The handle is Groot’s arm! It sets up the 11th hour victory that usually happens in these movies! And it almost happens!
Yes, it ends up being a red herring, but that’s

I got my kids (9 and 11) gradually caught up on the MCU over the course of the pandemic, and they’ve of course gone from initially not interested to “DAD IT’S TIME FOR THE NEW WHAT IF? EPISODE!!!” But the opening scene of Infinity War scared the shit out of my nine-year-old and made it a bit of a challenge to get her

Before Endgame opened we caught my daughter up on all the MCUs to date so she could go with us. She had been dreading Infinity War because she knew bad stuff happened but I don’t think she was fully prepared. Loki, her favorite character, gets killed in the first five minutes. When Spidey dusted she got up and RAN

Part of the appeal of cinema is the shared experience the feeling of an audience all reacting to a story at the same time. And Endgame is a hell of an example of that. 

My then 6-year old daughter declaring that Infinity War was “the worst movie I’ve ever seen” after the super-downer ending, then proceeding to obsess for the next year over how the story was going to end, was one of my favorite movie-related experiences of my life. Not to re-litigate this old argument again, but I

Marvel Studios didn’t have the movie rights to Doctor Doom until Disney acquired Fox in 2019. His IP is bundled with the Fantastic Four. And you’re right, he’s one of Marvel’s biggest and best loved villains and long overdue for a cinematic portrayal that does justice.

They only got the rights for him when Disney bought Fox. With a MCU Fantastic 4 film on the way I imagine he's being saved for that. 

And he can’t even walk through a door without having some sort of weird seizure. Guy obviously has a bunch of problems.


I’d love to see him Whiplash Peter Parker...

In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: the police, who investigate crime; and the A.V. Club commenters, whose niche knowledge is mostly useless. These are their stories.

Isn’t that the face of Adam Sandler?

So you could say that his behaviour was...