This occurred nearly five decades after she died.
Such a strange write-up! The movie doesn’t have to be for anyone except for the people doing it who think it’s an interesting story. I’m not saying this will be a great movie, but often the best movies are those which illuminate people and stories we don’t know. In its snark, this article is dangerously close to…
The tone of this article is bizarre. Isn’t it a good thing that a ground breaking, pioneering woman is finally getting her story told?
It’s kind of a damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don’t situation. No one has to just be quiet and take false accusations lying down, but it’s always a good idea to be mindful that said false accusations are the minority of cases, and we generally have a bigger issue with people not being believed in cases of sexual…
This movie is fucking awesome and an excellent addition to the Star Wars saga.
I’ve reached the point with Tarantino where I’m so, so tired of schtick. I’m tired of him thinking that his glorification of violence and racism is au courant or cutting edge. Tarantino films announce themselves in a way that strikes as more about ego than art. I’m sure people will disagree with that opinion, but…
That said, if the Coen Brothers stop making movies, I will be far more upset about that than I would be if Quentin Tarantino retired.
This article uses the word “schism,” and to me that implies a fight or a breakup. I guess I’m not necessarily seeing that in what Indie Wire wrote up, where Burwell expressly says “It’s all amicable” and that Ethan just wasn’t into making a film at the moment.
It’s going to be very hard to explain to future generations just how normally that word flew around amongst adolescents during the 90s and early 2000s.
I mean, almost every work of crime fiction takes inspiration in one way or another from actual events. I don’t think anyone is going to look at the film and think it’s trying to be an accurate representation of her experiences.
I hope you recover quickly!
It’s weird how the foremost criticism of Wes Anderson movies is “they have a recognizable aesthetic.”
Best wishes for a speedy recovery, my friend.
Fuck! Good luck.
Hopefully that first jab will help to keep the symptoms to a minimum. Stay well!
Adrian Pimento is a treasure and I’ll hear nothing to the contrary. The gag where they use the classic flashback joke structure to just show straightforward horrors he endured is amazing.
“the same mediocre saccharine crap that passes for music today”
It is pretty remarkable that they posted the two articles at the same time.
Ok, so today I learned it was/is bad to make fun of Rebecca Black, because it was mean but also more importantly there’s now someone new to make fun of.