Also The Visitor and Win Win are definitely worth watching if you enjoyed those 2. He also worked on the screenplay for Up.
Also The Visitor and Win Win are definitely worth watching if you enjoyed those 2. He also worked on the screenplay for Up.
Please don’t watch this movie or encourage others to do will just sow confusion about the real Stillwater who is a vigilante hero and not a fan boat mechanic in Cumberland County Florida.
I didn’t see that show, but I did see The Killing. Kinneman was a standout in that otherwise not great show.
This excuse is from the CEO of IMAX.
I was about to joke about the author lazily cribbing from whatever pre-written obituary the site has on file, but I strongly doubt the AV Club has enough of its shit together to keep pre-written obituaries on file.
“Wow, politico are such jerks for making people at LOTO look like rubes. But, yeah, they’re rubes. Just don’t have to say it out loud, Politico. That’s rude.”
I really don’t get why Affleck touching Lopez’s butt is news.
Oh I know what Starz is, I’m just dusting off an old AV Club meme.
Damn, how are you gonna react to the news that they kill off PEOPLE on that show, too?
The others are correct, and seeing as I don’t even remember the dog from season 1 now, I’d say it was a fine decision
If the dog were actually killed on screen, I would agree. But not only is it offscreen, it’s not even mentioned. They just fired the dog actor.
It’ Like, they just didn’t bring the dog back on the show. The dog is fine. And you know pets die in real life, right?
“Where are my testicles, David?”
I stand by my assertion that the finale of The Office stuck the landing incredibly well.
But if we convert to Celsius, the temperature will never read 69, or at least it is to be fervently hoped not.
I think change is possible, but not likely on the global scale needed to avoid climate predictions. Too many people will always refuse to cooperate, whether it’s out of greed, fear, laziness, etc.
“Pants” refers to underpants/underwear in several major English dialects.
The production meeting went like this:
But that’s not why he’s called Mr. Big,
New cast member Sara Ramírez will play Che Diaz, a non-binary, queer, stand-up comedian and podcast host.