I feel you’re missing my point, but I think I’m missing yours as well. Halfsies?
I feel you’re missing my point, but I think I’m missing yours as well. Halfsies?
Did “Living with Yourself” not get renewed?
He probably could’ve phrased it better, but I agree with the underlying sentiment 100%. It’s absurd that every male friendship gets distorted into a potential gay relationship, even when there’s no evidence beyond the relationship being just a male friendship. Happens with female friendships, too (see, e.g.,…
As a, light skinned Latinx, I will say there are times it sucks being that because like lots of minorities it comes at you from both sides.
“What’s the difference between a baby and a bag of cocaine? Eric Clapton would never let a bag of cocaine fall out a window.”
Saying “Sleater-Kinney has seen drummers come and go” is a little like saying “Nirvana saw drummers come and go.” Yeah, there were others before, but only one matters, and they were a huge part of the band.
I REPEATEDLY said he should be fired. I also said I’m not defending him and that he should be taken off the air. Then everybody responds by acting like I am defending him and I think what he did was perfectly normal and acceptable. Honest to god. It’s bizarre how people can read something then just re-invent what they…
“Late” is an adjective though.
I’m pulling for him.
Before the ultimate finale, bringing in Rachel McAdams, Helen Mirren, and Gary Oldman for:
Congrats, this post is dumber than the article...which says a lot!
Were there roving bands of self-important dopes deliberately bumping into the women for the express purpose of prompting the irritated response? Because if not, it pretty much ruins the comparison.
It’s a good apology. Mine would probably sound like:
I love how the article tries to insinuate that it was terrible that she took a week to respond to this manufactured controversy. Y’all ought to be ashamed of yourselves.
If he’s an actor providing enough voices to fill every cartoon on your TV then he sure sounds like a real voice actor to me.
Sam, please try to worry about things that matter.
Hmmmm that makes sense. It’s the sort of thing that can gain traction on the internet and trick you into thinking it’s a well-known part of the mainstream political discourse, but then you log off and realize it’s just this little fringe thing. Which is my main issue with internet politics in general.
“Are we being fun-hating downers who are overthinking something that everyone will recognize is obviously a joke?”