The problem wasn’t just the finale though. It was the entirety of the last four seasons.
The problem wasn’t just the finale though. It was the entirety of the last four seasons.
Dr. Doom from the weirdo post-9/11 comic that Marvel put out, iirc.
You’re surprised by this? Can you point me to a single AEW article ever posted on this website?
This is one of those situations where being an actual doctor really would have come in handy.
My theory...Snyder made a whole bunch of huge claims about JL being his big breakout role and how it would change his life and make him an A-List STAR, and told the press over and over that Cyborg was the “heart” of the movie. Then...Snyder left, and Joss was brought in to hack something together in a matter of months…
FWIW that has nothing to do with the COVID stimulus, that’s part of the omnibus spending bill the stimulus got attached to. That would have been funded whether we got $2000 or $0 checks.
To be fair I think people involved in the performing arts do indeed have time for this ‘dumb bullshit’.
Of course AV Club is going to reflexively piss on this bill because, hey, it’s not perfect, cynicism is cool, and it’s hard to report on anything that’s not trending on Twitter, but another arts-related angle they could have taken is that it includes $15 billion for musical, theatrical, and cinematic venues hurt…
It definitely appears so. I am not sure you were the first to admit it, though.
The term “the greatest human being of all time” gets used far too much these days but..... – Brobri, Up north, United Kingdom, 5 hours ago
Albums being released on the same day are really a problem. In 2001, They Might Be Giants and Bob Dylan released an album (“Mink Car” and “Love and Theft” respectively) on the same day. Oddly enough neither launch party was well attended, but that might have been due to the fact that the date was Sept 11th.
“It is not, however, okay to dress up in blackface or an “Indian” costume, because people’s ethnic identities aren’t costumes and shouldn’t be trivialized as such.”
I’ve really never understood the problem with actors playing roles of characters when they don’t have every trait of the character, and this article spends so much time wallowing in unearned snark that it doesn't even make an attempt to make a case for why it's bad, just assuming everyone will agree. C'est la vie, I…
“Larter ‘starred’ as a fictitious actress named Allegra Coleman, who was, in the magazine’s words, ‘Hollywood’s next dream girl.’”
I don’t even know how to parse this.
She “starred” not in a TV show or a movie, but in real life... or at least “real life”?
“But also, I felt that that version contradicted my first movie in many ways, and this current movie, which I was already in production on.”
This movie is number 2 on my list of shit I'm completely fucking sick of hearing about, right behind Donald Trump's month long temper tantrum over being a loser.
So many words just to say “this is an ad.”
I think we’re supposed to feel angry that the violence inflicted upon her was not treated with the same level of seriousness as the violence inflicted by her, and understand that one led to the other.