I’m gonna be contrarian here and say that I hope Ben Afffleck gets himself together. I thought he used to have a charming screen presence, and I’d like to see him do good work in a good movie again sometime.
Hey Dennis
It was a solid retraction too.
Pitchfork already retracted the bit about the FBI visiting the Times’ offices
This list is the actual best, especially since Hurray For The Riff Raff is on it.
This thread seems to explain it
In old terrestrial radio days, it meant the channel was about to change formats. Discovery is now going to play classic rock from the 70s,80s and 90s.
I don’t know about a WWE video but the best thing he’s ever done is the Dirk Gently series, IMHO.
Would you hate him more or less if you found out the music he’s playing in that picture sounds like Tunnel of Love era Springsteen?
That self-titled album a couple years back is really fucking good.
This has been pinpointed elsewhere, but every lyric in “Motion Sickness” lines up with this story. I’ve played this song frequently the last couple years, but never made the connection until just now, and geez if it doesn’t take on a whole new meaning now:
Everything Bryan Adams does, he does for me. Ryan’s just in it for himself.
I’m STILL scratching my head! I mean, if he was the best friend, I would still be scratching my head, but at least I’d be overcome with a weird joy that a brown person gets to play a friend... but this???
Um, I think that is pretty much the actual main plot conflict of this movie.
Honestly, as a brown man, even in 2019, it’s an overwhelming feeling to see a brown man star in a movie by a huge director like Danny Boyle, without the story having explicit ties to his Indian-ness.
or donate your TIME and EFFORT to metoo or timesup.
“If this person would just scoot over. Would you mind, Sir? Sir?”
I think it was refreshing to hear a country album coming from a real, and at times somewhat surreal, perspective instead of the numbing cookie-cutter pop-country anthem or ‘Murca-truck-fightin’ and drinkin’-farm livin’-support-the troops dreck that largely makes up contemporary country these days.