
Paul Rust or no sale!

If mean, if you’re going to be an old white guy fired from your TV job for doing something controversial, criticizing the NFL is probably the least horrifying thing you can do.

Wrong article, buddy.

I would like to mention that Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency is amazing. It’s the only good thing Max Landis has ever written and it’s because it wasn’t written by him.

we must call people out for every transgression all the time. we must demand comedy entertainers on television become hard hitting journalists. we must clarify that what we mean by hard hitting journalism, what we actually mean is calling people out on television. we must go viral. we must tweet. we must be

I loved Winter Soldier, but its conspiracy plot was a bit too far-fetched. Nazi sympathisers holding immense political and military power in the 21st-century USA? Whatever, comic books!

Every time I start to decide that everyone should exhibit the kind of honesty Neeson showed in his admission, that maybe we should all open up about the times where we have been less than fair with other races, or the opposite sex, or whomever else we’ve wronged, I see an article like this and am reminded why we keep

Personally, I’m very skeptical about the source of Bobby’s doctorate. 

Shut the fuck up Bobby.

Im making the call now. WE, biggest movie ever.

I say let them do what they want.

If this really is the last time I’ll see Chris Evans and Robert Downey Jr. as Cap and Iron Man, I am down for a longer goodbye. These actors embody some of my favorite characters and it’ll be weird to see them move on. Also when the Rouso’s worst film is Civil War which is a damn good film in its own right, I say let

If some guy on his lunch break can tap a button and put Nicolas Cage’s face on every actor’s body in the first four seasons of M*A*S*H then why not a beautiful and charming and well-acted body-building lady-lawyer?

You’re just asking a question!

“It shocked me. It hurt me. I did seek help. I went to a priest…I am not racist. This was nearly 40 years ago.”

Yeah targeted Violence against the Irish in Belfast 40 years ago? What an absurd thought!

Apparently, despite telling people he’s from Atlanta and being a visible part of the city’s rap community (he appeared just last week alongside T.I., Migos, and Ludacris at a pre-Super Bowl event), 21 Savage is actually from the United Kingdom.

For instance, the polling found that “socialism” had a net positive rating, while “capitalism” had a net negative rating.

It’s not memes, it’s actual videos, written jokes that go re-posted without attribution. No one tweets thinking they’re going to get rich off of it, but that doesn’t mean it’s okay for another company to come in, steal the work without attribution and then they get rich off of it.

It’s not about just re-posting, it’s re-posting without attribution making it look like they’re the ones who came up with the jokes and then making money off the quality of said jokes. The effective solution is to not follow accounts that don’t attribute effectively - like Fuck Jerry. This isn’t that complicated.