
I mean, the story and direction is not a revelation, but Gyllenhaal came close to being one. He was fucking electric.

My German uncle normally likes Schur’s work, but when I asked if he was interested, he just yelled, “Nein! Nein!”

I’m Tremendously excited about this.

I’m pretty damn sure I’ll disagree with every complaint in this bad review, and that I’ll love this movie. But it doesn’t bother me at all that Dowd didn’t like it. Satire is a pretty finicky genre, and to each his own. For example Dowd loved The Square and I found it mostly insufferable.

Yeah, I Mike check it out too.

If he’s attached, I’m Schur to give it a try.

Chin chininey, chin chininey, chin chin cher-ee

The science on this one gives me paws.

...Yeah, we all remember that.

The fact that everyone is failing at making copycat cinematic universes is kind of telling of what a great accomplishment the MCU is.

I feel like both haters and lovers of the MCU need to accept that it’s somewhere in the middle. Like yes they are just popcorn movies but they are also easily some of the best/smartest popcorn movies out there. Like otherwise we’re stuck with Jurassic World and Fantastic beasts.

Are You There? is so damn good that she should always be having a moment

SVE is really having a moment right now, isn’t she? Even the AV Club has dipped back into music reviews to cover her. Glad to see it. Saw her live a few months ago and it is startling how much her music and look has changed in like four years. And I like it.

I am glad SOMEBODY got my reference to the brilliant West Wing monologue fans know as ‘fuck all these shitbags.’

“who would be forgotten already if not for Reminders of Importance such as this article”

Look, if you’re too much of a snowflake to realise that the Reptozoids from deep within the planet’s core are infecting our yoghurt with Islam, I don’t know what to tell you.

That’s two days too long. Nobody has a right to call grieving parents with young murdered children false flag villainous actors, no matter how much public interest work he does in exposing how the government is turning people gay and also the Jews did 9/11. Chemtrails.

This will be the first Devito and Glover have started together since Lethal Weapon 7.

Has nobody pointed out the glaring continuity error here? I can accept Spidey being alive, but there’s no way Brexit Britain won’t have caught fire and slid into the sea by the time this is released in July. Maybe they can insert some background food riots in post-production.

I think a lot of people do subscribe to both. They’re not really expensive if you have disposable income. A lot of people have Amazon Prime as well, of course— and hell, I suspect a lot of Prime members still don’t even know they can watch video.