
Writers don’t generally write the headlines I knowwwwwwwww but: That’s not an anti-Spotify clause, it’s an pro-artist, anti-how-labels-usually-do-business clause. It’s more a pro-Spotify clause, as she (and artists) stand to make more if Spotify continues to do well and their shares in crease in value.


this is probably the compilation Chalamet watched — the national anthem bit IS pretty amazing/hilarious: https://youtu.be/YJwRuzeUwQk

But at the height of its popularity South Park did an entire episode where voting is equated to a choice between a “Giant Douche” or a “Turd Sandwich” and Stan is treated as a martyr because he decides not to vote.

Yeah, it’s hyperbole to suggest that South Park is literally the reason that Trump got elected but

Yeah, The Avengers are definitely the reason we have Donald Trump in the White House right now. It definitely has nothing to do with the media largely turning politics into entertainment, and fostering an ecosystem where people feel that they have to belong to a tribe, be it Democrat or Republican, or Libertarian

Oh my god, I started reading his blog post and, holy crap, what a complete fucking douchebag. Seriously, this is how he begins his post:

How dare Bill Maher not give Jack Kirby co-credit for destroying society.

Maher’s thoughts upon hearing of Stan Lee’s death:

Despite what all the yahoos on here will say, the woman from the Ansari story was not raped or sexually assaulted. She admitted up front that everything was consensual and that he did ultimately stop when she asked him to. However,the bigger issue that piece hit on was that A). there’s clearly a huge grey area between

Why shouldn’t he?

Golden Hour is a really good album and deserves acclaim. Congratulations to Ms. Musgraves!

I really didn’t have anything else going on tonight so...

Give... me... your... baby!

Heynong Man(son)

Yes, I design web sites as well. Dawes and Wye Oak began their lives as oft-used, randomly generated html filler. (Later, the music was also randomly generated btw)

One thing I think is fascinating about this article is the way it makes you think about the way later writers contributed to the development of a character. Daredevil, as we currently think of the character, is almost unrecognizable in Stan Lee’s wisecracking light-hearted swashbuckler. But Doctor Strange, on the

Think of the inspiring speech we missed out on:

HOT TAKE: Infinity War is a very good movie. Shockingly elegant at balancing a huge cast, and often very moving. The CG is a wonder throughout.

Ouch, I burned myself on this hot fresh take.

it’s such a bad show. I got through four episodes and was ready to stop, then saw it was only a 10-episode show so I said why not... there was a decent episode two weeks ago, but it’s just been a mess otherwise.