
I read the script. Spoiler alert: Jason’s character greets the internet group by saying “What’s up, jerks!” and proclaiming that everything is “bananas!”

Is that Jeffrey Characterwheaties?

This is a pretty good ‘sclusie.

I thought Ralph yelling “are those muppets gonna fuck khaleesi?” was a bit much

Topic-adjacent observation: twice this year, for Infinity War and Ant-man and the Wasp, I saw several people get up and leave as soon as the credits started. Who, in 2018, doesn’t know to wait for the mid- and -post credits stingers? And if they do know about them but don’t care, why bother seeing the movie itself?


But what if the reader just wants to know if it’s entertaining?

Reviews about whether a movie is “good” or “bad” are essentially pointless, aside from letting people feel vindicated about whether a critic agrees with their preconceived notions about a movie based on its trailer, filmmakers, subject matter, etc. Useful reviews either tell you whether the movie will be worth your

Go fuck yourself you stupid MRA piece of shit.

Pete’s not a sketch comic at all, so I don’t see the comparison.
His best character is playing himself on Weekend Update.
Dana and Phil all had improv backgrounds (like a lot of the cast). I don’t think SNL has pushed him at all as a “big star.” He just dated a famous pop star (kinda like how Colin’s dating Scarjo.)

Not really. The damn game is six times the price of a movie ticket, which means, to make that money, it only needed a 6th of the customers that Avengers got, all of whom could buy their “tickets” up to two years in advance, meaning it’s not really a “opening weekend”, but an “opening 730 days”, and it’s been released

If you don’t get credit, you don’t have a resume, you can’t get more jobs, you can’t get a paycheck.

Guy Posting On Wrong Thread apparently changed the gimmick to Guy Posting From Wrong Account.

He compared someone that was like a fixture, a permanent part of the comedic world, to a physically permanent structure by highlighting how jarring that would be with physical objects. It’s a joke, and it ends with him saying “well, I guess I’ll have to get used to that.”

C’mon people. It’s not that complicated.

The worst take. Jesus fuck..

What did he say that was so bad? He actually seemed pretty reasonable here. Or did you not even read the article like most others that comment around here?


Hey Mr. Sayoc, is this really the best use of the 30 minutes of internet access you get?

What did he say that was so egregious? Did he defend Louis CK or Roseanne? No. Is saying that as society still haven’t found our equilibrium when it comes to the power of social media a horrible or offensive statement? No.

counterpoint: it was clever and funny from early-mid season 1 till the end of season 2.