
In this case I feel like it’s less about “deplatforming” Norm and more that Fallon/The Tonight Show wouldn’t want to get into this conversation or talk about the comments made and so if they were to avoid it they’d get called out afterwards for dancing around the topic. Sort of a lose lose scenario in their eyes so

“But from what I have read about it, [comedian Hannah Gadsby] is saying that comedy is now not about laughter.”

I like Norm too, but he is one of those, “People were tougher in the old days. Today people are wimps!” kind of guys. No Norm, people weren’t tougher in the old days, some people just had to settle for being abused in the old days.

What a sackless show. The right thing to do here is to take Norm to task for the shitty things he said. But Fallon is incapable of an interview that involves something other playing air guitar, tousling hair and giggling.

Ugh. Just read the comments about Nanette. “I didn’t watch it because I didn’t want to comment on it, but I HEAR she said THIS and that’s fucking stupid.”

He’s been trending this way for a little bit. Sad but unsurprising, any adult who says “I don’t have any politics” is either lying or deeply stupid.

Me long past worrying whether Marvel can deliver satisfying standalone film that also work into larger story. They have this stuff pretty well figured out. Me just going to take kids to this and enjoy ride.

It’s kind of fascinating to watch the way Trump twists his way through this speech: “We have no idea who he is (wait, I want them to think I’m being equal opportunity here) or she (wait, uh, didn’t it say ‘he’ in there somewhere).” So then he says it’s probably a misdirect so then the writer is probably a woman, which

His verbal memory is incredible. He had so much in that brain of his. I am just happy I got to ask him a question before his original show once. It was the last summer he did The Colbert Report. It wasn’t a notable question. I’m just happy to have interacted with him directly once in my life. Yes, I do idolize him. 

I quit seeing Star Wars movies in the theater after Attack of the Clones, and I could certainly have found a number of people at the time who also didn’t care for it and who also lost their interest in seeing the movies on the big screen after that.

Kind of sad that your “proof” that TLJ sucks is a link to some random reddit page. Do you just site any random thing that agrees with your own opinions as solid fact?

I don’t follow... are you requesting validation of colossally stupid anecdotes and/or opinions?


On the other hand, it should be pointed out that the Marvel movies make a point, probably intentionally, that strength and violence don’t actually solve all your problems. In fact, in spite of all their strengths their almost-omnipotence the protagonists fail in spectacular ways in Age of Ultron, Civil War and

Do you think sci-fi and fantasy are inherently worse at revealing truths about humanity because of all the nonhuman characters?

They can't all be classics like the remake of assault on precinct 13.

Fed up with this shit. Enough is e(fucking)nough.

Counterpoint it’s as good as any 90's nominated Best Picture film. Just because it has perceived plot holes for you doesn’t mean it isn’t a good film.

Michael B Jordan was pointlessly angry

Do you think he cares? David Cross was in Alvin and the Chipmunks! He’s got ‘fuck you’ money!