
I didn’t like this show, and have probably only watched one episode, but the amount of glee people are taking in its end is weird to me.

Or you could understand stylistic choices.

Oh hey, look, a sentence that begins with “or”. Hope you understand that.

It’d be an intriguing premise—if, again, it weren’t so nearly identical to Roger Rabbit, right down to the inevitable frame job. Also, if The Happytime Murders had taken a few more cues from that film and focused less on the rote whodunit and more on the funhouse-mirror L.A. where it takes place.

Hot Take: I didn’t mind Spider-Man: Homecoming, and thought it was better than Spider-Man 3, The Amazing Spider-Man and The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

You’d better watch out for that Ben Folds fellow.  He’s gonna say “Fuck!”

And that homeless man grew up to be...Gene Siskel.

A heavily fortified cult compound?

Thanks a lot Hollywood for making fools of yourself by justifying your morality onto us peasants”

No this shows that MeToo is working and any cases of sexual assault or harassment should be taken seriously. What Weinstein did to her is terrible. What she did to a 17 year old is also terrible. "Shame"? Fuck off with that nonsense.

The angle that this is somehow a death blow for the #metoo stuff is so dumb and weird. I think of it as more like an interesting new variation.

If you had told me after the first Thor that Chris Hemsworth would end up anchoring a massive crossover superhero movie with his comedic timing and emotional range, I would have been...skeptical. But he was almost the MVP of Infinity War. I was stunned, even after enjoying the hell out of Ragnarok.

Look, you can improve Kinja all you want, but the comments will still be the same.

In Netflix’s defense, they had to make room for garbage.

The GOP has two very useful tools, vilifying whoever they chose, and changing the conversation.

They are not “looking for a win,” they are just looking for a fight. If they are on the offensive than the other side is on the defensive. That’s what they want. They don’t care about the issue, they just want Democrats and liberals on the defensive.

Based on what I know of how Japanese people view the intersection point between Japanese and Western culture, I’m fairly sure if you ask a Japanese person if they have a problem with Isle of Dogs they won’t understand the question. And then if you explain they’ll assume you’re on drugs.

You can practically hear the clacking of keys creating threads linking Pearl Jam to the insidious child pornography ring of the Democratic party. The party so malevolent and powerful that it controls not one, not two, but zero branches of government.

Getting your ass kicked by Mike Ness, apparently.

Ace Ventura barely cracked $100mil worldwide over its entire run according to boxofficemojo. Where did you get the information that it made $100mil over its opening weekend BACK IN 1994?!

That was a nice interview, he comes across as a reasonable guy. Didn’t he work with Brad Pitt on Ocean’s Eleven?