
On the one hand, I agree. On the other, First Contact...

They just need to create an original superhero to star in these films. I’m thinking Arachno-Chap, the alter ego of teenage emo kid Porter Driver, who can do the majority of things that a spider can.

If #MeToo really wants to change the culture, it needs to start embracing forgiveness otherwise more people will start turning on the movement.

Careful, Trevor, your black duster is dragging on the ground.

Ooh, edgy. 

That made me chuckle. Maybe I need to go read his old tweets?

I hope WB/DC puts him in charge of the DC Universe. First, because Disney screwed him over in favor of legit cybernazis, and I’d like to watch those Nazis choke on their ones and zeros. Second, because he’s really talented, and if DC made good movies I would line up to watch them. And third, because alt-right

One of the rumored interested parties is WB, he’d be a perfect fit for so many different DC franchises like Green Lantern, the New Gods, Legion of Super-Heroes, etc.

Apparently Disney has no grounds for breaking his contract either because all of the tweets happened before he started working there. So they may end up

If these sharks were living in the depths of the Marianas Trench such that they could withstand the colossal water pressure down there, wouldn’t the lower pressure near the surface just make them explode when they got up to where they could menace people?

What was Jake wearing?

How did anyone ever get this whole “conservative bias” defense to stick anyway? I mean, conservative is saying “Blah blah national debt, blah blah lower taxes, blah blah don’t burn the flag.” Those are legitimate political beliefs. Bigotry, on the other hand, may be espoused by particular conservatives, but it can’t

I can’t wait for AIs to slaughter and/or put-into-a-zoo all human life on earth and finally do something worthwhile with the endpoint of our legacy of tool-use and creativity. 

It’s not like TV writers are engineers, people who go straight from school to wealth and steady work. I assume tons of them spend the time until someone hires them waiting tables, driving for Uber, etc. There’s a reason it’s a cliche that every waiter in LA has a screenplay or headshots. 

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh my god.

The rest of this person’s posts are quite, um, entertaining. I’d bet a good percentage of them were made from a public library.


How do you know if a bull is bisexual?

Patrick Stewart: So in the new Picard tv show, I play a man who controls the world with his mind.


Fair enough. I think this article will pointlessly give them more visibility, but I’m hoping you’re right. It just doesn’t sit right with me to give such minor nuisances attention.