
Lenny Bruce wishes he was Tim Allen! Lenny could’ve been a star, a real star, had he stopped antagonizing The Man and started grunting like an ape, going on to make millions of dollars playing both that and a toy astronaut, then complaining about how hard and unfair it is being conservative in Hollywood before dashing

But if I hadn't read the comments I never would have found out how that one guy is distressed by the haphazard timeline of the Terminator movies. He has no idea what to watch after T2. SOMEBODY HELP HIM!!!!

The article mentions that this story was getting a ton of publicity on September 10, 2001, so most Americans don’t remember it. 

The best game about capitalism and how it destroys the essence of life.. lots of profit-sucking mechanisms!

I never watched Episodes but I thought it was a pretty well-regarded show.

By your logic, actors who are best known for a single prominent publicized role like Rupert Grint (one of Westwick’s co-actors in Crackle’s Snatch) can’t be considered well-known, when that is inaccurate. Just because you can’t personally identify somebody doesn’t mean that they aren’t well-known, just that you may

My favorite Wolf:

Well...he was also in Freaks and Geeks, which is a free pass forever for a lot of folks.

Eh, I doubt it’s that. Adams seems like an actress who really takes on the darkness surrounding her characters. In the press tour for American Hustle, she talked about how hard it was for her to spend so much time with a character as dark as the one she played in that film.

Now playing

Reading the news these days makes me want to get Girl Drink Drunk.

It was probably a lot easier to impress you when you were only 1city1year.

Mannnnnn stuff like this is so complicated. Obviously if he did it he should fuck off to irrelevant land. If she WAS lying then she should admit it to stop the further discrediting of actual victims. If it's a little of both, then idk. Either way he probably should have stepped away for a little longer

I think skinny shaming is more socially acceptable, despite being no less effed up. You’d almost never hear someone say “Gosh you’re huge - you need to eat less!” but the reverse of “Goodness you’re tiny - you need to eat more!” is disturbingly common.

Interviewer: You’re incredibly successful despite not fitting my narrow minded view of what a successful actor should look like. Why is that and how can I use this interview to display my ignorance?

You're insane. Netflix has the best content out of any of the paid content providers. You're smoking some bad stuff if you think Netflix is going to suffer because your panties are bunched up. 

My understanding is that yer actual bona fide pedophiles are crafty enough not to Tweet about it.  

Helluva nosedive over the last 52 weeks.

But in that timeline, we’re all too busy labouring in SJW feminazi socialist reeducation camps to really get psyched about GotG3.

Just don’t watch it. More importantly, don’t hate watch it.

Man, fuck that. Mr Rogers taught how to have self esteem but not at the expense of compassion for other people. You can feel good about yourself AND not be an entitled fuck head. I don't think any of those shitheads get that