
One of the worst parts of Kinjafication: no one understands gimmick posters. Sigh.


On the one hand, those jokes weren’t even close to being funny enough to be excusable.

Atlantis AKA Wet Wakanda 

I find this article available.

Me can think of no better tribute to O’Neal’s career than one last Big Red No.

Indeed, you’ll be greatly missed Mr O’Neal, your writing is what led to me visiting the site on a daily basis and it won’t be the same without you.

Sean — I think I can speak for all of us salivating, rancorous, sewer-dwelling mutants when I say we’ll miss you. Thanks for the years and years of great work.

I hope aquaman chokes to death on a congealed bolus of discarded plastic within the first 5 minutes of the movie.

I just don’t totally understand why this kind of rant seems to always be semi-coherent, at best. You have to read them, I mean you don’t have to read them, but if you want to read them and understand at all what they’re trying to say, you have to do it so carefully. I’ve spent decades working to get over the idea that

Sweet baby Jesus, Fox News et al. have really done a number on you folks, haven’t they? I normally feel bad for victims of gaslighting, but you did it to yourselves on this one.

It wasn’t the most hilarious thing I’ve seen- not generally, and not from her specifically, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she did tone it down a tad just for Nanette. Though- she has always tended to the quieter, more self deprecating (though no more!) humour. I prefer that personally- it’s why I’m not a fan of most

The Joker isn’t some psychological virus; he’s an evil clown from a comic book. Ledger was an adult man with adult issues, dealing with drug addiction, family issues and health problems before his involvement in The Dark Knight, and he died because of them, not because he got too deep into the churning black oblivion

I like the Sir Ian McKellen method.

If you have to explain the joke ...

I’m of the Timothy Olyphant school of thought when it comes to acting: if you’re good at it, it’s easy. Basically, if we get another method-acting Joker, I might have to carve a frown on my face.

Cesar Romero wasn’t scared, he just put that makeup on and went for it with gusto...

That’s literally not why this is happening, but okay.

*sniff* Has it really been 25 years...


For all the A.V. Club staff. I know these are worrying and uncertain times, but it was obvious from the outside that you were getting fucked by corporate at Univision, which has been striping the site of everything that made it special and has been turning it into an empty shell. Now, you may still have an opportunity