
If you didn’t understand clickhole was satirical after reading some of it or seeing their quizzes or lists (!!), I don’t blame you for enjoying the pandering dulcet tones of xkcd reassuring you that it couldn’t possibly be that you may not be the sharpest knife on the internet.

You’ll be happy then, this is just a slowly zooming out shot of the chaotic aftermath of one of Captain Marvel’s battles. It shows all the chaos, destruction, fear, and anger that superheroic battles produce for the average citizen. It’s four hours long.

Of course she does, but the real question is what the fuck is she doing out of the kitchen, amirite?

Because if there’s one thing Marvel movies are known for, it’s... Tonal monotony? Their last three movies are Black Panther, Infinity War and Ant-Man and The Wasp. Those are very, very different movies.

There’s a difference between a snap and taking several in sequence & reporting” on you when you are just going about your business. Not to mention sharing it on some platform where it will get thousands if not millions of shares sometimes even ending up on international news...all this cause some dick has decided

Just because you CAN post a photo of someone who’s out in public doesn’t mean you should. We’ve also run pieces about street photography encouraging people to ask permission before snapping a pic of someone. 

Being an asshole to people who like something you don’t is the most hipster thing of all!

This comment is significantly more hipster than anything that was said in the article.

Die hard Radiohead stan here who was at night 1, it was awesome this is my review.

I’m sure you didnt leave it out based on ignorance but I have to respond to you that OBJECTIVELY ok computer is one of the classic albums of the 90s. It was a massive hit popularity wise and artistically. Obviously, you don’t like it, but they do have a “timeless masterpiece” that you literally coulden’t leave out if

I mean, yes, but I do think that Taylor Schilling does first-rate work as the often (usually) horrendously self-absorbed Piper

I do like that, through Random Roles, we’re getting a very slowly accumulating oral history of the movie Class, albeit one in which very little is actually revealed, like a TV show where they drop small hints about the mystery all season long.

No, what’s lazy is missing a point to make another one—the point isn’t that Python were racist, or denied opportunities, they were just some guys who knew each other. The point is the industry that embraced and developed them was not hospitable to people other than white guys.

Please say women.

I don’t think you understood what John said.

It’s so fucking frustrating. Monty Python may never have been diverse (apart from Chapman being gay), but their counterculturalism was a risk to the BBC. They were, in some sense, outsiders that a lot of people didn’t want to hear from. Now the BBC is just saying “We still want outsiders, but the definition of who

Jeez, can’t you give someone else a turn to be outraged for once? Maybe someone who actually belongs to the marginalized group in question? It gets exhausting having to listen to your “I have a gay friend” bullshit all the time, especially now that we no longer have the luxury of a “block” button.

I agree. I don’t like when a kinkster dribbles out what their kink is. It’s better when there is a strong flow of information.

Hot take: I don’t mind Miles Teller and actually quite enjoyed his performance in Whiplash.

I don’t use spotify so i might be way way way off base here - but can’t the users just decide to listen to artists based on searches and such?