
No, it really wasn’t. It didn’t sample Gaye’s song or have the same melody. A few of the beats are similar, but that’s about it. I’m no fan of Thicke, but that judgment was a shambles.

No it wasn’t. Don’t be dense.

The worst crime here is “an investment banker named David Pullman (the guy behind Bowie Bonds, an investment scheme to make money off of David Bowie albums) 

I mourn the loss of the Block User function. 

“It is absurd, so why bother trying to hurt their doomed-to-failure efforts any further by falsely pledging to donate to their project?”

You think pretending to pledge money is hurting their doomed effort?

Yet AGAIN you prove that your misunderstanding of this knows no bounds. 

But yeah, that leftist strawman you hate sure lost his way.

No one is sneering at amateur filmmaking, but at the idea of amateurs someone taking over/replacing the largest film franchise in history is pretty fucking absurd.  But we’re mostly sneering at losers who freaked out about girls and minorities eventually joining the world.

I know we’re officially at the “too early to tell” stage, but we all just know what’s going to be the cause of this, don’t we? A certain authoritarian shitspewer spends years calling the media “the enemy of the people” and inciting violence and we’re all supposed to be surprised when journalists start ending up dead?

If you use Chrome, there’s a plugin called Kinjamprove which, among other features, allows you to block that dingus. It was written by one of the old AV Clubbers who also hated him.

I miss being able to block people on Disqus, so I wouldn’t have to see the dumbshit stuff you always post.

I’m sorry my description of five people being murdered was insufficiently cheery.

Sympathy is harder but better than cynicism. Sympathy inspires action.

The whole thing where five people got shot to death?

I guess you missed out on the ‘women in their underwear’ page, then. Boy, were you masturbating to some strange stuff.

Bullshit. Pure, unmitigated horse crap. They didn’t vote for Trump because they thought he could help them, they voted for Trump because they thought (rightly) that he would punish the people they hated. They don’t want someone to throw them a life preserver, they’re just happy to see women and minorities tied to an

It’s weird how often “average person” means white.

Tiny Terry hates sexual harassment

I really got to hand it to Terry Crews for coming out about this stuff, and sticking to his guns. It really helps emphasize that this sort of abuse effects everyone, and should be fought against by everyone.

Thanks Terry. <3