And I’m sure you not being rich means you can relate to the very diverse array of people fucked over by the Trump presidency.
And I’m sure you not being rich means you can relate to the very diverse array of people fucked over by the Trump presidency.
Some people say a lot of things
“Things were always this bad. Which is why it’s no big deal now.”
I haven’t talked to anyone since 1998.
“Whenever I have a problem... I throw a Molotov Cocktail... and then I have a different problem.”
“You shouldn’t eat everything that smells good, because sometimes it’s candles.” ~ Jason Mendoza, Wisdom of.
If it is a fact, citation please?
The box office draw of Sam Worthington is nothing for you to scoff at, my friend.
[insert standard disclaimer about how even inflation-adjusted numbers aren’t all that meaningful, because you have to take into account relative availability of other forms of entertainment, marketing budgets, and a million other uncontrollable factors]
Aww, you’ve never watched Magnolia. That’s a shame.
He was brilliant in Tropic Thunder. In a movie with an over abundance of crazy characters he shone like a diamond. A repellent, gag inducing diamond, but still.
“You OK?”
Fuck the critics: Death To Smoochy was gold and no one will convince me otherwise.
TLJ was the best Star Wars film since Empire.
I’m with Clayton on this one.
I like Rogue One and The Force Awakens just fine. But The Last Jedi is something else. It’s the best Star Wars movie in decades.
The Last Jedi was great and fuck all y’all that hated it.
Watching him - or any other really polished politician - be interviewed is always fascinating. The ability to answer a question while not answering it at all is amazing. By the time they’re done you seldom remember what was asked in the first place, never mind that they didn’t address it at all.
Lewinsky did an interview where she stated that Clinton’s relationship with her may not have been sexual assault but nevertheless constituted an exploitation of their power dynamic and may even have blurred the line regarding consent:
I think Chelsea should be added to the list.
There’s a hilarious, crowd-pleasing stinger scene where Bullock, surprised to find Clooney waiting in her apartment after she returns from the heist, thinks he’s an intruder and shoots him in the face with a sawed-off shotgun.