So basically . . . Mystery Team?
So basically . . . Mystery Team?
He’ll always be The Waffler to me.
It’s true, your honor, this woman has no feck.
The healing has begun already!
Thanos approves of your message.
I enjoyed his show, greatly respect Mr Rogers and think that the world would be a better place if more people followed his example and died in 2003.
The Flophouse podcast did Justice League for their movie this week, and early on Elliot Kalan discusses the scene where Superman draws a blank when asked by some kids what he loves about Earth.
Wonder Woman’s trench sequence is one of the best action sequences I have seen in recent memory. Clean, easy-to-follow, and visually interesting. But the rest of the DCEU feels like watching sepia-toned Transformers.
It’s why The Avengers’s climactic battle is so good, even though it’s long. There’s a lot of character beats in it, so it’s not just half an hour of explosions and punching.
Well, they’ve been compared for decades now, so it seems like comparing their movies, which have differences, would continue to be as well.
What do you like about the action scenes in DC movies? Would you disagree with the essays comments on them lacking character and relying heavily on CGi?
Obviously a little difficult to quote a video essay, but this one seems to really hit the mark. It boils down to what most people say and that’s “Heart.” MCU movies have characters that people genuinely care about because of the humanity written into them, while the DCEU kind of treats its characters like petty gods…
Aren’t you British? It’s not like you had much say in things either way.
I guess that’s why he debuted it in rural Wyoming.
I think the placid, happy, smiling poses at the Jerusalem embassy were intended to make people mad too. I’m not saying anyone in this administration is a genius, or especially smart, but these outrage-producing images and quotes happen regularly, and do serve as a distraction.
As a woman, I actually feel it’s more misogynist that people can go around calling people dicks, cocks, dickhead, asshole, etc. but make one mention of a slang term for the female anatomy and suddenly you’ve said the worst thing you can say. It’s really weird to me that cunt retains this taboo when bitch, whore, slut,…
Not really, but you do you, boss.
Ivanka isn’t a cunt. She lacks the depth and the warmth
Hm. I don’t thinking calling someone a “cunt” is the same as racially degrading someone. That’s just me though. Thank you for your time.
I mean it’s a lot more complicated a question than this article makes it seem. Speaking for myself, there are a lot of factors that I would consider in terms of whether and when I’d engage with art created by any of these guys including the severity of their offenses (Aziz Ansari, yes, I will watch something of his…
Everything plays into their persecution complex, and when there’s not enough they just manufacture bullshit out of thin air. Roseanne herself is actually well-known for doing this!